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Get in Touch with Ianus Investments

Artificial Intelligence Applications

Artificial intelligence (A.I.) is intelligence demonstrated by machines, as opposed to the natural intelligence displayed by humans

Blockchain Technology

Blockchain is a shared, immutable ledger that facilitates the process of recording transactions and tracking assets in a business network....

Smart Product Development


Albert EInstein, Theoretical Physicist

Private Social Networks

Our App combines the functionality of Facebook, instagram, Twitter, 

Youtube, Whatsapp messenger, Ad server, Online Shop and much more ...

We Build Your App, Website & Online Shop


No coding skills needed, no matter what kind of website you want.

Directed Sound Applications


Artificial Intelligence Applications


Blockchain Technology


Smart Product Development


Private Social Networks


Directed Sound Applications


Website Development Tools


Artificial Intelligence Applications


Artificial intelligence (A.I.) is intelligence demonstrated by machines,

as opposed to the natural intelligence displayed by humans ...

Blockchain Technology


Blockchain is a shared, immutable ledger that facilitates the process

of recording transactions and tracking assets in a business network...

Smart Product Development



Albert EInstein, Theoretical Physicist

Private Social Networks


Our App combines the functionality of Facebook, Instagram, Twitter,

Youtube, Whatsapp messenger, Ad server, Online Shop and much more...

We Build Your App, Website & Online Shop


No coding skills needed, no matter what kind of website you want...


Directed Sound Applications



Start a Business with an Invention...

Developing a new product or service as an entrepreneur is a rush like no other. However, developers can often get tangled up in the product features and the "what if" of their product or service. This often causes their  product to blow into an inflated monster that gets delayed. 

Starting a Business with an Invention ...

Developing a new product or service as an entrepreneur is a rush like no other. However, developers can often get tangled up in the product features and the "what if" of their product or service. This often causes their  product to blow into an inflated monster that gets delayed. 

Start a Business with an Invention...

Developing a new product or service as an entrepreneur is a rush like no other. However, developers can often get tangled up in the product features and the "what if" of their product or service. This often causes their  product to blow into an inflated monster that gets delayed. 

Starting a Business with an Invention ...

Developing a new product or service as an entrepreneur is a rush like no other. However, developers can often get tangled up in the product features and the "what if" of their product or service. This often causes their  product to blow into an inflated monster that gets delayed. 

These smart product development tips can help you avoid the pitfalls.

Smart product development ensures that you stick to the core features of your product. Why shouldn't you go out and develop all the bells and whistles on your first product version ? Because odds are that when you release that product, they will be the wrong bells and whistles that your customers want.

Entrepreneurs have limited time, and the time they do spend acquiring customer requirements to build a working prototype is time very well spent, but most do not have the time nor the money to build the "perfect" working model.

Using the Apple iPod as an example

The goal of a first version of the product or service

These smart product development tips can help you avoid the pitfalls.

Smart product development ensures that you stick to the core features of your product. Why shouldn't you go out and develop all the bells and whistles on your first product version ? Because odds are that when you release that product, they will be the wrong bells and whistles that your customers want.

Entrepreneurs have limited time, and the time they do spend acquiring customer requirements to build a working prototype is time very well spent, but most do not have the time nor the money to build the "perfect" working model.

Using the Apple iPod as an example,

The goal of a first version of the product or service


to Ianus Investments GbR, where innovation meets expertise in the world of Technology. Led by our Chief Technology Officer, Dr. Rudy Van Belleghem, Ph.D., we are pioneering the integration of cutting-edge technology into investment strategies to optimize performance and deliver value to our clients..



Ianus Investments GbR focuses on nurturing startups and harnessing the power of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) to develop cutting-edge products and solutions.



To propel innovation, support emerging ventures, and create a bridge between technology and real-world impact. At Ianus Investments, we believe that innovation is the key to driving sustainable growth and delivering superior returns for our clients. By combining the latest technological advancements with traditional investment principles, we strive to unlock new avenues for value creation and set new standards of excellence in the industry.

Our approach

is rooted in collaboration and partnership. We seek out startups that demonstrate disruptive ideas, strong leadership, and a clear vision for growth. Through strategic alliances and mentorship, we aim to accelerate the development and commercialization of breakthrough technologies that have the potential to revolutionize industries and create lasting impact.

At Ianus Investments GbR, we understand that investing in startups involves inherent risks, but we also recognize the tremendous opportunities for exponential growth and value creation. By leveraging our expertise in financial analysis, risk management, and market insights, we are dedicated to maximizing the success potential of the startups in our portfolio.


Join us

on this exciting journey as we venture into the realm of tech startups, where innovation knows no bounds and the possibilities are limitless. Together, we can shape the future of technology and investment, driving progress and prosperity for generations to come.


Ianus Investments GbR, where innovation meets expertise in the world of Technology. Led by our Chief Technology Officer, Dr. Rudy Van Belleghem, Ph.D., we are pioneering the integration of cutting-edge technology into investment strategies to optimize performance and deliver value to our clients..



Ianus Investments GbR focuses on nurturing startups and harnessing the power of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) to develop cutting-edge products and solutions.



To propel innovation, support emerging ventures, and create a bridge between technology and real-world impact. At Ianus Investments, we believe that innovation is the key to driving sustainable growth and delivering superior returns for our clients. By combining the latest technological advancements with traditional investment principles, we strive to unlock new avenues for value creation and set new standards of excellence in the industry.

Our approach

is rooted in collaboration and partnership. We seek out startups that demonstrate disruptive ideas, strong leadership, and a clear vision for growth. Through strategic alliances and mentorship, we aim to accelerate the development and commercialization of breakthrough technologies that have the potential to revolutionize industries and create lasting impact.


Risk assesment

At Ianus Investments GbR, we understand that investing in startups involves inherent risks, but we also recognize the tremendous opportunities for exponential growth and value creation. By leveraging our expertise in financial analysis, risk management, and market insights, we are dedicated to maximizing the success potential of the startups in our portfolio.


Join us

on this exciting journey as we venture into the realm of tech startups, where innovation knows no bounds and the possibilities are limitless. Together, we can shape the future of technology and investment, driving progress and prosperity for generations to come.

Introducing A.I. Smart Watches: A Revolution in Wearable Technology

Let’s delve into the fascinating world of AI-powered smartwatches and explore their remarkable functionalities.

New Generation AI Website Builder ...

We use artificial intelligence for creating and designing attractive, functional, and responsive websites from scratch. It ensures convenience, high speed, and comprehensibility of the website building process. Our AI website builder is easy-to-use and intuitive - all you need to do is follow a couple of simple instructions and watch how the builder makes your wildest web dreams come true. Using our A.I. websitebuilder means being confident that your site exceeds your expectations!


Ianus Investments GbR, where innovation meets expertise in the world of Technology. Led by our Chief Technology Officer, Dr. Rudy Van Belleghem, Ph.D., we are pioneering the integration of cutting-edge technology into investment strategies to optimize performance and deliver value to our clients..



Our approach

Risk assessment

Join us

Understanding the Integration of AI in Smartwatches

To fully appreciate the capabilities of AI in smartwatches, it’s essential to grasp how

it’s seamlessly woven into these wearable devices. Here’s what you need to know:

Personalized Health Tracking:

AI algorithms process health data such as heart rate patterns, sleep quality, and stress levels. These algorithms can detect irregularities like arrhythmias and provide personalized insights.

Imagine your smartwatch not only notifying you of potential health risks but also proactively suggesting lifestyle changes to keep you fit.

Intelligent Virtual Assistants:

Predictive Text and Emoji Suggestions:

Smart Home Integration:

Some smartwatches integrate with home automation systems through AI. Imagine adjusting your thermostat, turning off lights, or even controlling your coffee maker—all from your wrist.

ChatGPT on Your Smartwatch:

Smart Home Integration:

Some smartwatches integrate with home automation systems through AI. Imagine adjusting your thermostat, turning off lights, or even controlling your coffee maker—all from your wrist.

ChatGPT on Your Smartwatch:

Introducing A.I. Smart Glasses: A Revolution in Wearable Technology

Our A.I. Smart Glasses are a remarkable innovation that seamlessly merges fashion with cutting-edge technology. These sleek, lightweight glasses are designed to provide users with a truly immersive and hands-free digital experience. Offering a range of features, Our smart glasses redefines the way we interact with the world around us. Our smart glasses represent a bold step forward in wearable technology, offering a wide range of functionality that enhances everyday life. Whether you're a tech enthusiast, a fitness fanatic, or someone looking to simplify your daily routine, these glasses have something to offer. Experience the future with Our smart glasses and explore the world like never before.

Introducing A.I. Smart Glasses: A Revolution in Wearable Technology

Our A.I. Smart Glasses are a remarkable innovation that seamlessly merges fashion with cutting-edge technology. These sleek, lightweight glasses are designed to provide users with a truly immersive and hands-free digital experience. Offering a range of features, Our smart glasses redefines the way we interact with the world around us. Our smart glasses represent a bold step forward in wearable technology, offering a wide range of functionality that enhances everyday life. Whether you're a tech enthusiast, a fitness fanatic, or someone looking to simplify your daily routine, these glasses have something to offer. Experience the future with Our smart glasses and explore the world like never before. For more info and better view: use laptop or computerscreen.

Intelligent Niche-Specific Website Designs

No matter what niche your business or personal website belongs to, you will undoubtedly find a design that conforms with your expectations and efficiently conveys the needed message. Not only are the designs of our templates beautiful, but they also have an impressive execution which changes your perception and understanding of the A.I. websitebuilder. Distinguish yourself from the crowd of similar website designs with the A.I. websitebuilder that knows how to create smart and unique sites for your niche.

What makes our A.I. websitebuilder tool so different ?
Image Library Access
Site Styles Manager
In-built Integration
Marketing Tools
Shared Editing

Understanding the Integration of AI in Smartwatches

To fully appreciate the capabilities of AI in smartwatches, it’s essential to grasp how

it’s seamlessly woven into these wearable devices. Here’s what you need to know:

Personalized Health Tracking:

AI algorithms process health data such as heart rate patterns, sleep quality, and stress levels. These algorithms can detect irregularities like arrhythmias and provide personalized insights.

Imagine your smartwatch not only notifying you of potential health risks but also proactively suggesting lifestyle changes to keep you fit.

Intelligent Virtual Assistants:

Predictive Text and Emoji Suggestions:

Smart Home Integration:

Some smartwatches integrate with home automation systems through AI. Imagine adjusting your thermostat, turning off lights, or even controlling your coffee maker—all from your wrist.

ChatGPT on Your Smartwatch:

Using a technology called NFC

How to Start Creating Your Website with Our A.I. websitebuilder


Intelligent Niche-Specific Website Designs

No matter what niche your business or personal website belongs to, you will undoubtedly find a design that conforms with your expectations and efficiently conveys the needed message. Not only are the designs of our templates beautiful, but they also have an impressive execution which changes your perception and understanding of the A.I. websitebuilder. Distinguish yourself from the crowd of similar website designs with the A.I. websitebuilder that knows how to create smart and unique sites for your niche.

What makes our A.I. websitebuilder tool so different ?
Image Library Access
Site Styles Manager
In-built Integration
Marketing Tools
Shared Editing

Understanding the Integration of AI in Smartwatches

To fully appreciate the capabilities of AI in smartwatches, it’s essential to grasp how

it’s seamlessly woven into these wearable devices. Here’s what you need to know:

Personalized Health Tracking:

AI algorithms process health data such as heart rate patterns, sleep quality, and stress levels. These algorithms can detect irregularities like arrhythmias and provide personalized insights.

Imagine your smartwatch not only notifying you of potential health risks but also proactively suggesting lifestyle changes to keep you fit.

Intelligent Virtual Assistants:

Predictive Text and Emoji Suggestions:

Smart Home Integration:

Some smartwatches integrate with home automation systems through AI. Imagine adjusting your thermostat, turning off lights, or even controlling your coffee maker—all from your wrist.

ChatGPT on Your Smartwatch:

Introducing A.I. Smart Glasses: Another Revolution in Wearable Technology

Our A.I. Smart Glasses are a remarkable innovation that seamlessly merges fashion with cutting-edge technology. These sleek, lightweight glasses are designed to provide users with a truly immersive and hands-free digital experience. Offering a range of features, Our smart glasses redefines the way we interact with the world around us. Our smart glasses represent a bold step forward in wearable technology, offering a wide range of functionality that enhances everyday life. Whether you're a tech enthusiast, a fitness fanatic, or someone looking to simplify your daily routine, these glasses have something to offer. Experience the future with Our smart glasses and explore the world like never before.

New Generation AI Website Builder ...

We use artificial intelligence for creating and designing attractive, functional, and responsive websites from scratch. It ensures convenience, high speed, and comprehensibility of the website building process. Our AI website builder is easy-to-use and intuitive - all you need to do is follow a couple of simple instructions and watch how the builder makes your wildest web dreams come true. Using our A.I. websitebuilder means being confident that your site exceeds your expectations!

These smart product development tips can help you avoid the pitfalls.

Smart product development ensures that you stick to the core features of your product. Why shouldn't you go out and develop all the bells and whistles on your first product version ?

Because odds are that when you release that product, they will be the wrong bells and whistles that your customers want. Entrepreneurs have limited time, and the time they do spend acquiring customer requirements to build a working prototype is time very well spent, but most do not have the time nor the money to build the "perfect" working model.

Using the Apple iPod as an example
The goal of a first version of the product or service

   Key Functionalities

Key Functionalities

Augmented Reality (AR) Display:

Our smart glasses are equipped with a high-resolution AR display that overlays digital information onto your real-world view. From directions and notifications to immersive gaming experiences, these glasses bring your surroundings to life in a whole new way.

Voice Commands:

Capture and Share:


Say goodbye to fumbling with your phone while navigating. Our smart glasses offers turn-by-turn navigation right in your field of vision, whether you're walking, biking, or driving. Stay on track without losing focus on your surroundings.

Health and Fitness:

Sleek Design:

New Generation AI Website Builder ...

We use artificial intelligence for creating and designing attractive, functional, and responsive websites from scratch. It ensures convenience, high speed, and comprehensibility of the website building process. Our AI website builder is easy-to-use and intuitive - all you need to do is follow a couple of simple instructions and watch how the builder makes your wildest web dreams come true. Using our A.I. websitebuilder means being confident that your site exceeds your expectations!

New Generation AI Website Builder ...

We use artificial intelligence for creating and designing attractive, functional, and responsive websites from scratch. It ensures convenience, high speed, and comprehensibility of the website building process. Our AI website builder is easy-to-use and intuitive - all you need to do is follow a couple of simple instructions and watch how the builder makes your wildest web dreams come true. Using our A.I. websitebuilder means being confident that your site exceeds your expectations!

Intelligent Niche-Specific Website Designs

No matter what niche your business or personal website belongs to, you will undoubtedly find a design that conforms with your expectations and efficiently conveys the needed message. Not only are the designs of our templates beautiful, but they also have an impressive execution which changes your perception and understanding of the A.I. websitebuilder. Distinguish yourself from the crowd of similar website designs with the A.I. websitebuilder that knows how to create smart and unique sites for your niche.

What makes our A.I. website builder tool so different from other website builders ?

Image Library Access

Adding suitable images to the site doesn’t require any design skills and can still make your website more visually appealing and credible. Our A.I. websitebuilder rich graphic library contains more than 100K exclusive top-quality pictures on various topics.

Site Styles Manager

In-built Integration

Marketing Tools

Shared Editing

We Build Your App, Website & Shop

No coding skills needed, no matter what kind of

website you want...

We Build Your App, Website & Shop

No coding skills needed, no matter what kind of

website you want...

We Build Your App, Website & Shop

No coding skills needed, no matter what kind of

website you want...

We Build Your App, Website & Shop

No coding skills needed, no matter what kind of

website you want...

We Build Your App, Website & Online Shop


No coding skills needed, no matter what kind of website and/or online shop you want.


We Build Your App, Website & Online Shop


No coding skills needed, no matter what kind of website and/or online shop you want.


We Build Your App, Website & Online Shop


No coding skills needed, no matter what kind of website and/or online shop you want.


We Build Your App, Website & Online Shop


No coding skills needed, no matter what kind of website and/or online shop you want.


We Build Your App, Website & Online Shop

No coding skills needed, no matter what kind of website you want.

We Build Your App, Website & Online Shop

No coding skills needed, no matter what kind of website you want.

We Build Your App, Website & Online Shop

No coding skills needed, no matter what kind of website you want.

We Build Your App, Website & Online Shop

No coding skills needed, no matter what kind of website you want.

A.I. Web Development Examples

A.I. Web Development Examples

 Key Functionalities

Augmented Reality (AR) Display:

Our smart glasses are equipped with a high-resolution AR display that overlays digital information onto your real-world view. From directions and notifications to immersive gaming experiences, these glasses bring your surroundings to life in a whole new way.

Voice Commands:

Capture and Share:

Health and Fitness:

Sleek Design:

 Key Functionalities

Augmented Reality (AR) Display:

Our smart glasses are equipped with a high-resolution AR display that overlays digital information onto your real-world view. From directions and notifications to immersive gaming experiences, these glasses bring your surroundings to life in a whole new way.

Voice Commands:

Capture and Share:

Health and Fitness:

Sleek Design:

Introducing A.I. Smart Glasses: A Revolution in Wearable Technology

Our A.I. Smart Glasses are a remarkable innovation that seamlessly merges fashion with cutting-edge technology. These sleek, lightweight glasses are designed to provide users with a truly immersive and hands-free digital experience. Offering a range of features, Our smart glasses redefines the way we interact with the world around us. Our smart glasses represent a bold step forward in wearable technology, offering a wide range of functionality that enhances everyday life. Whether you're a tech enthusiast, a fitness fanatic, or someone looking to simplify your daily routine, these glasses have something to offer. Experience the future with Our smart glasses and explore the world like never before.

New Generation AI Website Builder ...

We use artificial intelligence for creating and designing attractive, functional, and responsive websites from scratch. It ensures convenience, high speed, and comprehensibility of the website building process. Our AI website builder is easy-to-use and intuitive - all you need to do is follow a couple of simple instructions and watch how the builder makes your wildest web dreams come true. Using our A.I. websitebuilder means being confident that your site exceeds your expectations!

  • logo ismartglasses 4.png
  • logo ismartglasses 8.png
  • logo ismartglasses 5.png
  • logo ismartglasses 4.png
  • logo ismartglasses 8.png
  • logo ismartglasses 5.png


Augmented Reality (AR) Display:

Our smart glasses are equipped with a high-resolution AR display that overlays digital information onto your real-world view. From directions and notifications to immersive gaming experiences, these glasses bring your surroundings to life in a whole new way.

Voice Commands:

Capture and Share:


Say goodbye to fumbling with your phone while navigating. Our smart glasses offers turn-by-turn navigation right in your field of vision, whether you're walking, biking, or driving. Stay on track without losing focus on your surroundings.

Health and Fitness:

Sleek Design:


Augmented Reality (AR) Display:

Our smart glasses are equipped with a high-resolution AR display that overlays digital information onto your real-world view. From directions and notifications to immersive gaming experiences, these glasses bring your surroundings to life in a whole new way.

Voice Commands:

Capture and Share:


Say goodbye to fumbling with your phone while navigating. Our smart glasses offers turn-by-turn navigation right in your field of vision, whether you're walking, biking, or driving. Stay on track without losing focus on your surroundings.

Health and Fitness:

Sleek Design:

New Generation AI Website Builder ...

We use artificial intelligence for creating and designing attractive, functional, and responsive websites from scratch. It ensures convenience, high speed, and comprehensibility of the website building process. Our AI website builder is easy-to-use and intuitive - all you need to do is follow a couple of simple instructions and watch how the builder makes your wildest web dreams come true. Using our A.I. websitebuilder means being confident that your site exceeds your expectations!

New Generation AI Website Builder ...

We use artificial intelligence for creating and designing attractive, functional, and responsive websites from scratch. It ensures convenience, high speed, and comprehensibility of the website building process. Our AI website builder is easy-to-use and intuitive - all you need to do is follow a couple of simple instructions and watch how the builder makes your wildest web dreams come true. Using our A.I. websitebuilder means being confident that your site exceeds your expectations!

Intelligent Niche-Specific Website Designs

No matter what niche your business or personal website belongs to, you will undoubtedly find a design that conforms with your expectations and efficiently conveys the needed message. Not only are the designs of our templates beautiful, but they also have an impressive execution which changes your perception and understanding of the A.I. websitebuilder. Distinguish yourself from the crowd of similar website designs with the A.I. websitebuilder that knows how to create smart and unique sites for your niche.

What makes our A.I. website builder tool so different from other website builders ?

Image Library Access

Adding suitable images to the site doesn’t require any design skills and can still make your website more visually appealing and credible. Our rich Graphic Library contains more than 100K exclusive top-quality pictures on various topics.

Site Styles Manager

In-built Integration

Marketing Tools

Shared Editing

Wij maken Uw App, Website & Online Shop


Geen codeervaardigheden nodig, wat voor soort website je ook wilt...


We Build Your App, Website & Online Shop


No coding skills needed, no matter what kind of website you want...


Nous construisons votre APP, votre site Web et votre boutique en ligne


Aucune compétence en codage n’est nécessaire, quel que soit le type de site Web que vous souhaitez...


Wir bauen Ihre App, Website & Online-Shop


Keine Programmierkenntnisse erforderlich, egal welche Art von Website Sie wünschen...


Rakennamme sovelluksen, verkkosivuston ja verkkokaupan


Koodaustaitoja ei tarvita, riippumatta siitä, millaisen verkkosivuston haluat...


New Generation AI Website Builder ...

We use artificial intelligence for creating and designing attractive, functional, and responsive websites from scratch. It ensures convenience, high speed, and comprehensibility of the website building process. Our AI website builder is easy-to-use and intuitive - all you need to do is follow a couple of simple instructions and watch how the builder makes your wildest web dreams come true. Using our A.I. websitebuilder means being confident that your site exceeds your expectations!

Generation AI Website Builder

We use artificial intelligence for creating and designing attractive, functional, and responsive websites from scratch. It ensures convenience, high speed, and comprehensibility of the website building process. Our AI website builder is easy-to-use and intuitive - all you need to do is follow a couple of simple instructions and watch how the builder makes your wildest web dreams come true. Using our A.I. websitebuilder means being confident that your site exceeds your expectations!

Intelligent Niche-Specific Website Designs

No matter what niche your business or personal website belongs to, you will undoubtedly find a design that conforms with your expectations and efficiently conveys the needed message. Not only are the designs of our templates beautiful, but they also have an impressive execution which changes your perception and understanding of the A.I. websitebuilder. Distinguish yourself from the crowd of similar website designs with the A.I. websitebuilder that knows how to create smart and unique sites for your niche.

What makes our A.I. website builder tool so different from other website builders ?

Image Library Access

Adding suitable images to the site doesn’t require any design skills and can still make your website more visually appealing and credible. Our A.I. websitebuilder rich graphic library contains more than 100K exclusive top-quality pictures on various topics.

Site Styles Manager

In-built Integration

Marketing Tools

Shared Editing

We Build Your App, Website & Shop

No coding skills needed, no matter what kind of

website you want...

We Build Your App, Website & Shop

No coding skills needed, no matter what kind of

website you want...

We Build Your App, Website & Shop

No coding skills needed, no matter what kind of

website you want...

We Build Your App, Website & Shop

No coding skills needed, no matter what kind of

website you want...

We Build Your App, Website & Online Shop


No coding skills needed, no matter what kind of website and/or online shop you want.


We Build Your App, Website & Online Shop


No coding skills needed, no matter what kind of website and/or online shop you want.


We Build Your App, Website & Online Shop


No coding skills needed, no matter what kind of website and/or online shop you want.


We Build Your App, Website & Online Shop


No coding skills needed, no matter what kind of website and/or online shop you want.


Intelligent Niche-Specific Website Designs

No matter what niche your business or personal website belongs to, you will undoubtedly find a design that conforms with your expectations and efficiently conveys the needed message. Not only are the designs of our templates beautiful, but they also have an impressive execution which changes your perception and understanding of the A.I. websitebuilder. Distinguish yourself from the crowd of similar website designs with the A.I. websitebuilder that knows how to create smart and unique sites for your niche.

What makes our A.I. websitebuilder tool so different ?
Image Library Access
Site Styles Manager
In-built Integration
Marketing Tools
Shared Editing

We Build Your App, Website & Online Shop

No coding skills needed, no matter what kind of website you want.

We Build Your App, Website & Online Shop

No coding skills needed, no matter what kind of website you want.

We Build Your App, Website & Online Shop

No coding skills needed, no matter what kind of website you want.

We Build Your App, Website & Online Shop

No coding skills needed, no matter what kind of website you want.

A.I. Web Examples

The future of Private Social Networks

The term social networking refers to the use of internet-based social media sites to stay connected with friends, family, colleagues, business partners, customers or clients. Social networking can have a social purpose, a business purpose, or both, through sites like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram. Social networking is also a significant base for marketers seeking to engage customers.

The future of Private Social Networks ...

The term social networking refers to the use of internet-based social media sites to stay connected with friends, family, colleagues, business partners, customers or clients. Social networking can have a social purpose, a business purpose, or both, through sites like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram. Social networking is also a significant base for marketers seeking to engage customers.

The future of Private Social Networks

The term social networking refers to the use of internet-based social media sites to stay connected with friends, family, colleagues, business partners, customers or clients. Social networking can have a social purpose, a business purpose, or both, through sites like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram. Social networking is also a significant base for marketers seeking to engage customers.

The future of Private Social Networks ...

The term social networking refers to the use of internet-based social media sites to stay connected with friends, family, colleagues, business partners, customers or clients. Social networking can have a social purpose, a business purpose, or both, through sites like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram. Social networking is also a significant base for marketers seeking to engage customers.

Manage & Host your own Private Social Network

Our platform is the best way to start your own social network. Our platform is fast, secured, and regularly updated. Our social network platform fully supports native mobile apps thanks to our advanced API system! 

The Characteristics of Each Social Network

Look at some of the most successful available social networks in the following list. With our platform you can do all of your campaigns and social networking in One Application. You can even create your own branded version. In short, you own your private social network.

Manage & Host your own Private Social Network

Our platform is the best way to start your own social network. Our platform is fast, secured, and regularly updated. Our social network platform fully supports native mobile apps thanks to our advanced API system! 

The Characteristics of Each Platform Can Help You Define on which Networks to Develop your Campaigns

Look at some of the most successful available social networks in the following list. With our platform you can do all of your campaigns and social networking in One Application. You can even create your own branded version. In short, you own your private social network.

Main Features

Main Features

Admin Features

Admin Features

Other Social Media Platforms

Our Social Network APP combines the functionality of Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Youtube, Whatsapp messenger, Ad server, Online Shop and much more in One Application. You can host the application on your server or we host it for you...

Other Social Media Platforms

Our Social Network APP combines the functionality of Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Youtube, Whatsapp messenger, Ad server, Online Shop and much more in One Application. You can host the application on your server or we host it for you...


Facebook is the world’s largest Social Network, with more than a 2,9 billion active users. Thanks to its size, it’s quite likely that your target audience is on this platform. Furthermore, it has a very effective & personalized advertising service. Facebook recently changed the company name.



X (Twitter):




Tik Tok


Facebook is the world’s largest Social Network, with more than a 2,9 billion active users. Thanks to its size, it’s quite likely that your target audience is on this platform. Furthermore, it has a very effective & personalized advertising service. Facebook recently changed the company name.



X (Twitter):




Tik Tok

Manage & Host your own Private Social Network

Our platform is the best way to start your own social network. Our platform is fast, secured, and regularly updated. Our social network platform fully supports native mobile apps thanks to our advanced API system! 

The Characteristics of Each Platform Can Help You Define on which Networks to Develop your Campaigns

Look at some of the most successful available social networks in the following list. With our platform you can do all of your campaigns and social networking in One Application. You can even create your own branded version. In short, you own your private social network.

Main Features

Manage & Host your own Private Social Network

Our platform is the best way to start your own social network. Our platform is fast, secured, and regularly updated. Our social network platform fully supports native mobile apps thanks to our advanced API system! Our Social Network APP combines the functionality of Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Youtube, Whatsapp messenger, Ad server, Online Shop and much more in One Application. You can host the application on your server or we host it for you...

The Characteristics of Each Platform Can Help You Define on which Networks to Develop your Campaigns

Admin Features

Other Social Media Platforms

Our Social Network APP combines the functionality of Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Youtube, Whatsapp messenger, Ad server, Online Shop and much more in One Application. You can host the application on your server or we host it for you...


Facebook is the world’s largest Social Network, with more than a 2,9 billion active users. Thanks to its size, it’s quite likely that your target audience is on this platform. Furthermore, it has a very effective & personalized advertising service. Facebook recently changed the company name.



X (Twitter):




Tik Tok








Tik Tok

Artificial Intelligence Applications


Artificial intelligence (A.I.) is intelligence demonstrated by machines,

as opposed to the natural intelligence displayed by humans ...

Blockchain Technology


Blockchain is a shared, immutable ledger that facilitates the process

of recording transactions and tracking assets in a business network...

Smart Product Development



Albert EInstein, Theoretical Physicist

Private Social Networks


Our App combines the functionality of Facebook, Instagram, Twitter,

Youtube, Whatsapp messenger, Ad server, Online Shop and much more...

We Build Your App, Website & Online Shop


No coding skills needed, no matter what kind of website you want...


Directed Sound Applications



Start a Business with an Invention...

Developing a new product or service as an entrepreneur is a rush like no other. However, developers can often get tangled up in the product features and the "what if" of their product or service. This often causes their  product to blow into an inflated monster that gets delayed. 

Starting a Business with an Invention ...

Developing a new product or service as an entrepreneur is a rush like no other. However, developers can often get tangled up in the product features and the "what if" of their product or service. This often causes their  product to blow into an inflated monster that gets delayed. 

Start a Business with an Invention...

Developing a new product or service as an entrepreneur is a rush like no other. However, developers can often get tangled up in the product features and the "what if" of their product or service. This often causes their  product to blow into an inflated monster that gets delayed. 

Starting a Business with an Invention ...

Developing a new product or service as an entrepreneur is a rush like no other. However, developers can often get tangled up in the product features and the "what if" of their product or service. This often causes their  product to blow into an inflated monster that gets delayed. 

These smart product development tips can help you avoid the pitfalls.

Smart product development ensures that you stick to the core features of your product. Why shouldn't you go out and develop all the bells and whistles on your first product version ? Because odds are that when you release that product, they will be the wrong bells and whistles that your customers want.

Entrepreneurs have limited time, and the time they do spend acquiring customer requirements to build a working prototype is time very well spent, but most do not have the time nor the money to build the "perfect" working model.

Using the Apple iPod as an example

The goal of a first version of the product or service

These smart product development tips can help you avoid the pitfalls.

Smart product development ensures that you stick to the core features of your product. Why shouldn't you go out and develop all the bells and whistles on your first product version ? Because odds are that when you release that product, they will be the wrong bells and whistles that your customers want.

Entrepreneurs have limited time, and the time they do spend acquiring customer requirements to build a working prototype is time very well spent, but most do not have the time nor the money to build the "perfect" working model.

Using the Apple iPod as an example,

The goal of a first version of the product or service


to Ianus Investments GbR, where innovation meets expertise in the world of Technology. Led by our Chief Technology Officer, Dr. Rudy Van Belleghem, Ph.D., we are pioneering the integration of cutting-edge technology into investment strategies to optimize performance and deliver value to our clients..



Ianus Investments GbR focuses on nurturing startups and harnessing the power of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) to develop cutting-edge products and solutions.



To propel innovation, support emerging ventures, and create a bridge between technology and real-world impact. At Ianus Investments, we believe that innovation is the key to driving sustainable growth and delivering superior returns for our clients. By combining the latest technological advancements with traditional investment principles, we strive to unlock new avenues for value creation and set new standards of excellence in the industry.

Our approach

is rooted in collaboration and partnership. We seek out startups that demonstrate disruptive ideas, strong leadership, and a clear vision for growth. Through strategic alliances and mentorship, we aim to accelerate the development and commercialization of breakthrough technologies that have the potential to revolutionize industries and create lasting impact.

At Ianus Investments GbR, we understand that investing in startups involves inherent risks, but we also recognize the tremendous opportunities for exponential growth and value creation. By leveraging our expertise in financial analysis, risk management, and market insights, we are dedicated to maximizing the success potential of the startups in our portfolio.


Join us

on this exciting journey as we venture into the realm of tech startups, where innovation knows no bounds and the possibilities are limitless. Together, we can shape the future of technology and investment, driving progress and prosperity for generations to come.


Ianus Investments GbR, where innovation meets expertise in the world of Technology. Led by our Chief Technology Officer, Dr. Rudy Van Belleghem, Ph.D., we are pioneering the integration of cutting-edge technology into investment strategies to optimize performance and deliver value to our clients..



Ianus Investments GbR focuses on nurturing startups and harnessing the power of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) to develop cutting-edge products and solutions.



To propel innovation, support emerging ventures, and create a bridge between technology and real-world impact. At Ianus Investments, we believe that innovation is the key to driving sustainable growth and delivering superior returns for our clients. By combining the latest technological advancements with traditional investment principles, we strive to unlock new avenues for value creation and set new standards of excellence in the industry.

Our approach

is rooted in collaboration and partnership. We seek out startups that demonstrate disruptive ideas, strong leadership, and a clear vision for growth. Through strategic alliances and mentorship, we aim to accelerate the development and commercialization of breakthrough technologies that have the potential to revolutionize industries and create lasting impact.


Risk assesment

At Ianus Investments GbR, we understand that investing in startups involves inherent risks, but we also recognize the tremendous opportunities for exponential growth and value creation. By leveraging our expertise in financial analysis, risk management, and market insights, we are dedicated to maximizing the success potential of the startups in our portfolio.


Join us

on this exciting journey as we venture into the realm of tech startups, where innovation knows no bounds and the possibilities are limitless. Together, we can shape the future of technology and investment, driving progress and prosperity for generations to come.

Introducing A.I. Smart Watches: A Revolution in Wearable Technology

Let’s delve into the fascinating world of AI-powered smartwatches and explore their remarkable functionalities.

New Generation AI Website Builder ...

We use artificial intelligence for creating and designing attractive, functional, and responsive websites from scratch. It ensures convenience, high speed, and comprehensibility of the website building process. Our AI website builder is easy-to-use and intuitive - all you need to do is follow a couple of simple instructions and watch how the builder makes your wildest web dreams come true. Using our A.I. websitebuilder means being confident that your site exceeds your expectations!


to Ianus Investments GbR, where innovation meets expertise in the world of Technology. Led by our Chief Technology Officer, Dr. Rudy Van Belleghem, Ph.D., we are pioneering the integration of cutting-edge technology into investment strategies to optimize performance and deliver value to our clients..



Our approach

Risk assessment

Join us

Understanding the Integration of AI in Smartwatches

To fully appreciate the capabilities of AI in smartwatches, it’s essential to grasp how

it’s seamlessly woven into these wearable devices. Here’s what you need to know:

Personalized Health Tracking:

AI algorithms process health data such as heart rate patterns, sleep quality, and stress levels. These algorithms can detect irregularities like arrhythmias and provide personalized insights.

Imagine your smartwatch not only notifying you of potential health risks but also proactively suggesting lifestyle changes to keep you fit.

Intelligent Virtual Assistants:

Predictive Text and Emoji Suggestions:

Smart Home Integration:

Some smartwatches integrate with home automation systems through AI. Imagine adjusting your thermostat, turning off lights, or even controlling your coffee maker—all from your wrist.

ChatGPT on Your Smartwatch:

Smart Home Integration:

Some smartwatches integrate with home automation systems through AI. Imagine adjusting your thermostat, turning off lights, or even controlling your coffee maker—all from your wrist.

ChatGPT on Your Smartwatch:

Introducing A.I. Smart Glasses: A Revolution in Wearable Technology

Our A.I. Smart Glasses are a remarkable innovation that seamlessly merges fashion with cutting-edge technology. These sleek, lightweight glasses are designed to provide users with a truly immersive and hands-free digital experience. Offering a range of features, Our smart glasses redefines the way we interact with the world around us. Our smart glasses represent a bold step forward in wearable technology, offering a wide range of functionality that enhances everyday life. Whether you're a tech enthusiast, a fitness fanatic, or someone looking to simplify your daily routine, these glasses have something to offer. Experience the future with Our smart glasses and explore the world like never before.

Introducing A.I. Smart Glasses: A Revolution in Wearable Technology

Our A.I. Smart Glasses are a remarkable innovation that seamlessly merges fashion with cutting-edge technology. These sleek, lightweight glasses are designed to provide users with a truly immersive and hands-free digital experience. Offering a range of features, Our smart glasses redefines the way we interact with the world around us. Our smart glasses represent a bold step forward in wearable technology, offering a wide range of functionality that enhances everyday life. Whether you're a tech enthusiast, a fitness fanatic, or someone looking to simplify your daily routine, these glasses have something to offer. Experience the future with Our smart glasses and explore the world like never before. For more info and better view: use laptop or computerscreen.

Intelligent Niche-Specific Website Designs

No matter what niche your business or personal website belongs to, you will undoubtedly find a design that conforms with your expectations and efficiently conveys the needed message. Not only are the designs of our templates beautiful, but they also have an impressive execution which changes your perception and understanding of the A.I. websitebuilder. Distinguish yourself from the crowd of similar website designs with the A.I. websitebuilder that knows how to create smart and unique sites for your niche.

What makes our A.I. websitebuilder tool so different ?
Image Library Access
Site Styles Manager
In-built Integration
Marketing Tools
Shared Editing

Understanding the Integration of AI in Smartwatches

To fully appreciate the capabilities of AI in smartwatches, it’s essential to grasp how

it’s seamlessly woven into these wearable devices. Here’s what you need to know:

Personalized Health Tracking:

AI algorithms process health data such as heart rate patterns, sleep quality, and stress levels. These algorithms can detect irregularities like arrhythmias and provide personalized insights.

Imagine your smartwatch not only notifying you of potential health risks but also proactively suggesting lifestyle changes to keep you fit.

Intelligent Virtual Assistants:

Predictive Text and Emoji Suggestions:

Smart Home Integration:

Some smartwatches integrate with home automation systems through AI. Imagine adjusting your thermostat, turning off lights, or even controlling your coffee maker—all from your wrist.

ChatGPT on Your Smartwatch:

Using a technology called NFC

How to Start Creating Your Website with Our A.I. websitebuilder


Intelligent Niche-Specific Website Designs

No matter what niche your business or personal website belongs to, you will undoubtedly find a design that conforms with your expectations and efficiently conveys the needed message. Not only are the designs of our templates beautiful, but they also have an impressive execution which changes your perception and understanding of the A.I. websitebuilder. Distinguish yourself from the crowd of similar website designs with the A.I. websitebuilder that knows how to create smart and unique sites for your niche.

What makes our A.I. websitebuilder tool so different ?
Image Library Access
Site Styles Manager
In-built Integration
Marketing Tools
Shared Editing

Understanding the Integration of AI in Smartwatches

To fully appreciate the capabilities of AI in smartwatches, it’s essential to grasp how

it’s seamlessly woven into these wearable devices. Here’s what you need to know:

Personalized Health Tracking:

AI algorithms process health data such as heart rate patterns, sleep quality, and stress levels. These algorithms can detect irregularities like arrhythmias and provide personalized insights.

Imagine your smartwatch not only notifying you of potential health risks but also proactively suggesting lifestyle changes to keep you fit.

Intelligent Virtual Assistants:

Predictive Text and Emoji Suggestions:

Smart Home Integration:

Some smartwatches integrate with home automation systems through AI. Imagine adjusting your thermostat, turning off lights, or even controlling your coffee maker—all from your wrist.

ChatGPT on Your Smartwatch:

Introducing A.I. Smart Glasses: Another Revolution in Wearable Technology

Our A.I. Smart Glasses are a remarkable innovation that seamlessly merges fashion with cutting-edge technology. These sleek, lightweight glasses are designed to provide users with a truly immersive and hands-free digital experience. Offering a range of features, Our smart glasses redefines the way we interact with the world around us. Our smart glasses represent a bold step forward in wearable technology, offering a wide range of functionality that enhances everyday life. Whether you're a tech enthusiast, a fitness fanatic, or someone looking to simplify your daily routine, these glasses have something to offer. Experience the future with Our smart glasses and explore the world like never before.

New Generation AI Website Builder ...

We use artificial intelligence for creating and designing attractive, functional, and responsive websites from scratch. It ensures convenience, high speed, and comprehensibility of the website building process. Our AI website builder is easy-to-use and intuitive - all you need to do is follow a couple of simple instructions and watch how the builder makes your wildest web dreams come true. Using our A.I. websitebuilder means being confident that your site exceeds your expectations!

These smart product development tips can help you avoid the pitfalls.

Smart product development ensures that you stick to the core features of your product. Why shouldn't you go out and develop all the bells and whistles on your first product version ?

Because odds are that when you release that product, they will be the wrong bells and whistles that your customers want. Entrepreneurs have limited time, and the time they do spend acquiring customer requirements to build a working prototype is time very well spent, but most do not have the time nor the money to build the "perfect" working model.

Using the Apple iPod as an example
The goal of a first version of the product or service

   Key Functionalities

Key Functionalities

Augmented Reality (AR) Display:

Our smart glasses are equipped with a high-resolution AR display that overlays digital information onto your real-world view. From directions and notifications to immersive gaming experiences, these glasses bring your surroundings to life in a whole new way.

Voice Commands:

Capture and Share:


Say goodbye to fumbling with your phone while navigating. Our smart glasses offers turn-by-turn navigation right in your field of vision, whether you're walking, biking, or driving. Stay on track without losing focus on your surroundings.

Health and Fitness:

Sleek Design:

New Generation AI Website Builder ...

We use artificial intelligence for creating and designing attractive, functional, and responsive websites from scratch. It ensures convenience, high speed, and comprehensibility of the website building process. Our AI website builder is easy-to-use and intuitive - all you need to do is follow a couple of simple instructions and watch how the builder makes your wildest web dreams come true. Using our A.I. websitebuilder means being confident that your site exceeds your expectations!

New Generation AI Website Builder ...

We use artificial intelligence for creating and designing attractive, functional, and responsive websites from scratch. It ensures convenience, high speed, and comprehensibility of the website building process. Our AI website builder is easy-to-use and intuitive - all you need to do is follow a couple of simple instructions and watch how the builder makes your wildest web dreams come true. Using our A.I. websitebuilder means being confident that your site exceeds your expectations!

Intelligent Niche-Specific Website Designs

No matter what niche your business or personal website belongs to, you will undoubtedly find a design that conforms with your expectations and efficiently conveys the needed message. Not only are the designs of our templates beautiful, but they also have an impressive execution which changes your perception and understanding of the A.I. websitebuilder. Distinguish yourself from the crowd of similar website designs with the A.I. websitebuilder that knows how to create smart and unique sites for your niche.

What makes our A.I. website builder tool so different from other website builders ?

Image Library Access

Adding suitable images to the site doesn’t require any design skills and can still make your website more visually appealing and credible. Our A.I. websitebuilder rich graphic library contains more than 100K exclusive top-quality pictures on various topics.

Site Styles Manager

In-built Integration

Marketing Tools

Shared Editing

We Build Your App, Website & Shop

No coding skills needed, no matter what kind of

website you want...

We Build Your App, Website & Shop

No coding skills needed, no matter what kind of

website you want...

We Build Your App, Website & Shop

No coding skills needed, no matter what kind of

website you want...

We Build Your App, Website & Shop

No coding skills needed, no matter what kind of

website you want...

We Build Your App, Website & Online Shop


No coding skills needed, no matter what kind of website and/or online shop you want.


We Build Your App, Website & Online Shop


No coding skills needed, no matter what kind of website and/or online shop you want.


We Build Your App, Website & Online Shop


No coding skills needed, no matter what kind of website and/or online shop you want.


We Build Your App, Website & Online Shop


No coding skills needed, no matter what kind of website and/or online shop you want.


We Build Your App, Website & Online Shop

No coding skills needed, no matter what kind of website you want.

We Build Your App, Website & Online Shop

No coding skills needed, no matter what kind of website you want.

We Build Your App, Website & Online Shop

No coding skills needed, no matter what kind of website you want.

We Build Your App, Website & Online Shop

No coding skills needed, no matter what kind of website you want.

A.I. Web Development Examples

A.I. Web Development Examples

 Key Functionalities

Augmented Reality (AR) Display:

Our smart glasses are equipped with a high-resolution AR display that overlays digital information onto your real-world view. From directions and notifications to immersive gaming experiences, these glasses bring your surroundings to life in a whole new way.

Voice Commands:

Capture and Share:

Health and Fitness:

Sleek Design:

 Key Functionalities

Augmented Reality (AR) Display:

Our smart glasses are equipped with a high-resolution AR display that overlays digital information onto your real-world view. From directions and notifications to immersive gaming experiences, these glasses bring your surroundings to life in a whole new way.

Voice Commands:

Capture and Share:

Health and Fitness:

Sleek Design:

Introducing A.I. Smart Glasses: A Revolution in Wearable Technology

Our A.I. Smart Glasses are a remarkable innovation that seamlessly merges fashion with cutting-edge technology. These sleek, lightweight glasses are designed to provide users with a truly immersive and hands-free digital experience. Offering a range of features, Our smart glasses redefines the way we interact with the world around us. Our smart glasses represent a bold step forward in wearable technology, offering a wide range of functionality that enhances everyday life. Whether you're a tech enthusiast, a fitness fanatic, or someone looking to simplify your daily routine, these glasses have something to offer. Experience the future with Our smart glasses and explore the world like never before.

New Generation AI Website Builder ...

We use artificial intelligence for creating and designing attractive, functional, and responsive websites from scratch. It ensures convenience, high speed, and comprehensibility of the website building process. Our AI website builder is easy-to-use and intuitive - all you need to do is follow a couple of simple instructions and watch how the builder makes your wildest web dreams come true. Using our A.I. websitebuilder means being confident that your site exceeds your expectations!

  • logo ismartglasses 4.png
  • logo ismartglasses 8.png
  • logo ismartglasses 5.png
  • logo ismartglasses 4.png
  • logo ismartglasses 8.png
  • logo ismartglasses 5.png


Augmented Reality (AR) Display:

Our smart glasses are equipped with a high-resolution AR display that overlays digital information onto your real-world view. From directions and notifications to immersive gaming experiences, these glasses bring your surroundings to life in a whole new way.

Voice Commands:

Capture and Share:


Say goodbye to fumbling with your phone while navigating. Our smart glasses offers turn-by-turn navigation right in your field of vision, whether you're walking, biking, or driving. Stay on track without losing focus on your surroundings.

Health and Fitness:

Sleek Design:


Augmented Reality (AR) Display:

Our smart glasses are equipped with a high-resolution AR display that overlays digital information onto your real-world view. From directions and notifications to immersive gaming experiences, these glasses bring your surroundings to life in a whole new way.

Voice Commands:

Capture and Share:


Say goodbye to fumbling with your phone while navigating. Our smart glasses offers turn-by-turn navigation right in your field of vision, whether you're walking, biking, or driving. Stay on track without losing focus on your surroundings.

Health and Fitness:

Sleek Design:

New Generation AI Website Builder ...

We use artificial intelligence for creating and designing attractive, functional, and responsive websites from scratch. It ensures convenience, high speed, and comprehensibility of the website building process. Our AI website builder is easy-to-use and intuitive - all you need to do is follow a couple of simple instructions and watch how the builder makes your wildest web dreams come true. Using our A.I. websitebuilder means being confident that your site exceeds your expectations!

New Generation AI Website Builder ...

We use artificial intelligence for creating and designing attractive, functional, and responsive websites from scratch. It ensures convenience, high speed, and comprehensibility of the website building process. Our AI website builder is easy-to-use and intuitive - all you need to do is follow a couple of simple instructions and watch how the builder makes your wildest web dreams come true. Using our A.I. websitebuilder means being confident that your site exceeds your expectations!

Intelligent Niche-Specific Website Designs

No matter what niche your business or personal website belongs to, you will undoubtedly find a design that conforms with your expectations and efficiently conveys the needed message. Not only are the designs of our templates beautiful, but they also have an impressive execution which changes your perception and understanding of the A.I. websitebuilder. Distinguish yourself from the crowd of similar website designs with the A.I. websitebuilder that knows how to create smart and unique sites for your niche.

What makes our A.I. website builder tool so different from other website builders ?

Image Library Access

Adding suitable images to the site doesn’t require any design skills and can still make your website more visually appealing and credible. Our rich Graphic Library contains more than 100K exclusive top-quality pictures on various topics.

Site Styles Manager

In-built Integration

Marketing Tools

Shared Editing

Wij maken Uw App, Website & Online Shop


Geen codeervaardigheden nodig, wat voor soort website je ook wilt...


We Build Your App, Website & Online Shop


No coding skills needed, no matter what kind of website you want...


Nous construisons votre APP, votre site Web et votre boutique en ligne


Aucune compétence en codage n’est nécessaire, quel que soit le type de site Web que vous souhaitez...


Wir bauen Ihre App, Website & Online-Shop


Keine Programmierkenntnisse erforderlich, egal welche Art von Website Sie wünschen...


Rakennamme sovelluksen, verkkosivuston ja verkkokaupan


Koodaustaitoja ei tarvita, riippumatta siitä, millaisen verkkosivuston haluat...


New Generation AI Website Builder ...

We use artificial intelligence for creating and designing attractive, functional, and responsive websites from scratch. It ensures convenience, high speed, and comprehensibility of the website building process. Our AI website builder is easy-to-use and intuitive - all you need to do is follow a couple of simple instructions and watch how the builder makes your wildest web dreams come true. Using our A.I. websitebuilder means being confident that your site exceeds your expectations!

New Generation

AI Website Builder

We use artificial intelligence for creating and designing attractive, functional, and responsive websites from scratch. It ensures convenience, high speed, and comprehensibility of the website building process. Our AI website builder is easy-to-use and intuitive - all you need to do is follow a couple of simple instructions and watch how the builder makes your wildest web dreams come true. Using our A.I. websitebuilder means being confident that your site exceeds your expectations!

Intelligent Niche-Specific Website Designs

No matter what niche your business or personal website belongs to, you will undoubtedly find a design that conforms with your expectations and efficiently conveys the needed message. Not only are the designs of our templates beautiful, but they also have an impressive execution which changes your perception and understanding of the A.I. websitebuilder. Distinguish yourself from the crowd of similar website designs with the A.I. websitebuilder that knows how to create smart and unique sites for your niche.

What makes our A.I. website builder tool so different from other website builders ?

Image Library Access

Adding suitable images to the site doesn’t require any design skills and can still make your website more visually appealing and credible. Our A.I. websitebuilder rich graphic library contains more than 100K exclusive top-quality pictures on various topics.

Site Styles Manager

In-built Integration

Marketing Tools

Shared Editing

We Build Your App, Website & Shop

No coding skills needed, no matter what kind of

website you want...

We Build Your App, Website & Shop

No coding skills needed, no matter what kind of

website you want...

We Build Your App, Website & Shop

No coding skills needed, no matter what kind of

website you want...

We Build Your App, Website & Shop

No coding skills needed, no matter what kind of

website you want...

We Build Your App, Website & Online Shop


No coding skills needed, no matter what kind of website and/or online shop you want.


We Build Your App, Website & Online Shop


No coding skills needed, no matter what kind of website and/or online shop you want.


We Build Your App, Website & Online Shop


No coding skills needed, no matter what kind of website and/or online shop you want.


We Build Your App, Website & Online Shop


No coding skills needed, no matter what kind of website and/or online shop you want.


Intelligent Niche-Specific Website Designs

No matter what niche your business or personal website belongs to, you will undoubtedly find a design that conforms with your expectations and efficiently conveys the needed message. Not only are the designs of our templates beautiful, but they also have an impressive execution which changes your perception and understanding of the A.I. websitebuilder. Distinguish yourself from the crowd of similar website designs with the A.I. websitebuilder that knows how to create smart and unique sites for your niche.

What makes our A.I. websitebuilder tool so different ?
Image Library Access
Site Styles Manager
In-built Integration
Marketing Tools
Shared Editing

We Build Your App, Website & Online Shop

No coding skills needed, no matter what kind of website you want.

We Build Your App, Website & Online Shop

No coding skills needed, no matter what kind of website you want.

We Build Your App, Website & Online Shop

No coding skills needed, no matter what kind of website you want.

We Build Your App, Website & Online Shop

No coding skills needed, no matter what kind of website you want.

A.I. Web Examples

The future of Private Social Networks

The term social networking refers to the use of internet-based social media sites to stay connected with friends, family, colleagues, business partners, customers or clients. Social networking can have a social purpose, a business purpose, or both, through sites like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram. Social networking is also a significant base for marketers seeking to engage customers.

The future of Private Social Networks ...

The term social networking refers to the use of internet-based social media sites to stay connected with friends, family, colleagues, business partners, customers or clients. Social networking can have a social purpose, a business purpose, or both, through sites like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram. Social networking is also a significant base for marketers seeking to engage customers.

The future of Private Social Networks

The term social networking refers to the use of internet-based social media sites to stay connected with friends, family, colleagues, business partners, customers or clients. Social networking can have a social purpose, a business purpose, or both, through sites like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram. Social networking is also a significant base for marketers seeking to engage customers.

The future of Private Social Networks ...

The term social networking refers to the use of internet-based social media sites to stay connected with friends, family, colleagues, business partners, customers or clients. Social networking can have a social purpose, a business purpose, or both, through sites like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram. Social networking is also a significant base for marketers seeking to engage customers.

Manage & Host your own Private Social Network

Our platform is the best way to start your own social network. Our platform is fast, secured, and regularly updated. Our social network platform fully supports native mobile apps thanks to our advanced API system! 

The Characteristics of Each Social Network

Look at some of the most successful available social networks in the following list. With our platform you can do all of your campaigns and social networking in One Application. You can even create your own branded version. In short, you own your private social network.

Manage & Host your own Private Social Network

Our platform is the best way to start your own social network. Our platform is fast, secured, and regularly updated. Our social network platform fully supports native mobile apps thanks to our advanced API system! 

The Characteristics of Each Platform Can Help You Define on which Networks to Develop your Campaigns

Look at some of the most successful available social networks in the following list. With our platform you can do all of your campaigns and social networking in One Application. You can even create your own branded version. In short, you own your private social network.

Main Features

Main Features

Admin Features

Admin Features

Other Social Media Platforms

Our Social Network APP combines the functionality of Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Youtube, Whatsapp messenger, Ad server, Online Shop and much more in One Application. You can host the application on your server or we host it for you...

Other Social Media Platforms

Our Social Network APP combines the functionality of Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Youtube, Whatsapp messenger, Ad server, Online Shop and much more in One Application. You can host the application on your server or we host it for you...


Facebook is the world’s largest Social Network, with more than a 2,9 billion active users. Thanks to its size, it’s quite likely that your target audience is on this platform. Furthermore, it has a very effective & personalized advertising service. Facebook recently changed the company name.



X (Twitter):




Tik Tok


Facebook is the world’s largest Social Network, with more than a 2,9 billion active users. Thanks to its size, it’s quite likely that your target audience is on this platform. Furthermore, it has a very effective & personalized advertising service. Facebook recently changed the company name.



X (Twitter):




Tik Tok

Manage & Host your own Private Social Network

Our platform is the best way to start your own social network. Our platform is fast, secured, and regularly updated. Our social network platform fully supports native mobile apps thanks to our advanced API system! 

The Characteristics of Each Platform Can Help You Define on which Networks to Develop your Campaigns

Look at some of the most successful available social networks in the following list. With our platform you can do all of your campaigns and social networking in One Application. You can even create your own branded version. In short, you own your private social network.

Main Features

Manage & Host your own Private Social Network

Our platform is the best way to start your own social network. Our platform is fast, secured, and regularly updated. Our social network platform fully supports native mobile apps thanks to our advanced API system! Our Social Network APP combines the functionality of Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Youtube, Whatsapp messenger, Ad server, Online Shop and much more in One Application. You can host the application on your server or we host it for you...

The Characteristics of Each Platform Can Help You Define on which Networks to Develop your Campaigns

Admin Features

Other Social Media Platforms

Our Social Network APP combines the functionality of Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Youtube, Whatsapp messenger, Ad server, Online Shop and much more in One Application. You can host the application on your server or we host it for you...


Facebook is the world’s largest Social Network, with more than a 2,9 billion active users. Thanks to its size, it’s quite likely that your target audience is on this platform. Furthermore, it has a very effective & personalized advertising service. Facebook recently changed the company name.



X (Twitter):




Tik Tok








Tik Tok

Artificial Intelligence Applications


Artificial intelligence (A.I.) is intelligence demonstrated by machines,

as opposed to the natural intelligence displayed by humans ...

Blockchain Technology


Blockchain is a shared, immutable ledger that facilitates the process

of recording transactions and tracking assets in a business network...

Smart Product Development



Albert EInstein, Theoretical Physicist

Private Social Networks


Our App combines the functionality of Facebook, Instagram, Twitter,

Youtube, Whatsapp messenger, Ad server, Online Shop and much more...

We Build Your App, Website & Online Shop


No coding skills needed, no matter what kind of website you want...


Directed Sound Applications



Start a Business with an Invention...

Developing a new product or service as an entrepreneur is a rush like no other. However, developers can often get tangled up in the product features and the "what if" of their product or service. This often causes their  product to blow into an inflated monster that gets delayed. 

Starting a Business with an Invention ...

Developing a new product or service as an entrepreneur is a rush like no other. However, developers can often get tangled up in the product

features and the "what if" of their product or service. This often causes their  product to blow into an inflated monster that gets delayed. 

Start a Business with an Invention...

Developing a new product or service as an entrepreneur is a rush like no other. However, developers can often get tangled up in the product features and the "what if" of their product or service. This often causes their  product to blow into an inflated monster that gets delayed. 

Starting a Business with an Invention ...

Developing a new product or service as an entrepreneur is a rush like no other. However, developers can often get tangled up in the product features and the "what if" of their product or service. This often causes their  product to blow into an inflated monster that gets delayed. 

These smart product development tips can help you avoid the pitfalls.

Smart product development ensures that you stick to the core features of your product. Why shouldn't you go out and develop all the bells and whistles on your first product version ? Because odds are that when you release that product, they will be the wrong bells and whistles that your customers want.

Entrepreneurs have limited time, and the time they do spend acquiring customer requirements to build a working prototype is time very well spent, but most do not have the time nor the money to build the "perfect" working model.

Using the Apple iPod as an example

The goal of a first version of the product or service

These smart product development tips can help you avoid the pitfalls.

Smart product development ensures that you stick to the core features of your product. Why shouldn't you go out and develop all the bells and whistles on your first product version ? Because odds are that when you release that product, they will be the wrong bells and whistles that your customers want.

Entrepreneurs have limited time, and the time they do spend acquiring customer requirements to build a working prototype is time very well spent, but most do not have the time nor the money to build the "perfect" working model.

Using the Apple iPod as an example,

The goal of a first version of the product or service


to Ianus Investments GbR, where innovation meets expertise in the world of Technology. Led by our Chief Technology Officer, Dr. Rudy Van Belleghem, Ph.D., we are pioneering the integration of cutting-edge technology into investment strategies to optimize performance and deliver value to our clients..



Ianus Investments GbR focuses on nurturing startups and harnessing the power of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) to develop cutting-edge products and solutions.



To propel innovation, support emerging ventures, and create a bridge between technology and real-world impact. At Ianus Investments, we believe that innovation is the key to driving sustainable growth and delivering superior returns for our clients. By combining the latest technological advancements with traditional investment principles, we strive to unlock new avenues for value creation and set new standards of excellence in the industry.

Our approach

is rooted in collaboration and partnership. We seek out startups that demonstrate disruptive ideas, strong leadership, and a clear vision for growth. Through strategic alliances and mentorship, we aim to accelerate the development and commercialization of breakthrough technologies that have the potential to revolutionize industries and create lasting impact.

At Ianus Investments GbR, we understand that investing in startups involves inherent risks, but we also recognize the tremendous opportunities for exponential growth and value creation. By leveraging our expertise in financial analysis, risk management, and market insights, we are dedicated to maximizing the success potential of the startups in our portfolio.


Join us

on this exciting journey as we venture into the realm of tech startups, where innovation knows no bounds and the possibilities are limitless. Together, we can shape the future of technology and investment, driving progress and prosperity for generations to come.


Ianus Investments GbR, where innovation meets expertise in the world of Technology. Led by our Chief Technology Officer, Dr. Rudy Van Belleghem, Ph.D., we are pioneering the integration of cutting-edge technology into investment strategies to optimize performance and deliver value to our clients..



Ianus Investments GbR focuses on nurturing startups and harnessing the power of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) to develop cutting-edge products and solutions.



To propel innovation, support emerging ventures, and create a bridge between technology and real-world impact. At Ianus Investments, we believe that innovation is the key to driving sustainable growth and delivering superior returns for our clients. By combining the latest technological advancements with traditional investment principles, we strive to unlock new avenues for value creation and set new standards of excellence in the industry.

Our approach

is rooted in collaboration and partnership. We seek out startups that demonstrate disruptive ideas, strong leadership, and a clear vision for growth. Through strategic alliances and mentorship, we aim to accelerate the development and commercialization of breakthrough technologies that have the potential to revolutionize industries and create lasting impact.


Risk assesment

At Ianus Investments GbR, we understand that investing in startups involves inherent risks, but we also recognize the tremendous opportunities for exponential growth and value creation. By leveraging our expertise in financial analysis, risk management, and market insights, we are dedicated to maximizing the success potential of the startups in our portfolio.


Join us

on this exciting journey as we venture into the realm of tech startups, where innovation knows no bounds and the possibilities are limitless. Together, we can shape the future of technology and investment, driving progress and prosperity for generations to come.

Introducing A.I. Smart Watches: A Revolution in Wearable Technology

Let’s delve into the fascinating world of AI-powered smartwatches and explore their remarkable functionalities.

New Generation AI Website Builder ...

We use artificial intelligence for creating and designing attractive, functional, and responsive websites from scratch. It ensures convenience, high speed, and comprehensibility of the website building process. Our AI website builder is easy-to-use and intuitive - all you need to do is follow a couple of simple instructions and watch how the builder makes your wildest web dreams come true. Using our A.I. websitebuilder means being confident that your site exceeds your expectations!


to Ianus Investments GbR, where innovation meets expertise in the world of Technology. Led by our Chief Technology Officer, Dr. Rudy Van Belleghem, Ph.D., we are pioneering the integration of cutting-edge technology into investment strategies to optimize performance and deliver value to our clients..



Our approach

Risk assessment

Join us

Understanding the Integration of AI in Smartwatches

To fully appreciate the capabilities of AI in smartwatches, it’s essential to grasp how

it’s seamlessly woven into these wearable devices. Here’s what you need to know:

Personalized Health Tracking:

AI algorithms process health data such as heart rate patterns, sleep quality, and stress levels. These algorithms can detect irregularities like arrhythmias and provide personalized insights.

Imagine your smartwatch not only notifying you of potential health risks but also proactively suggesting lifestyle changes to keep you fit.

Intelligent Virtual Assistants:

Predictive Text and Emoji Suggestions:

Smart Home Integration:

Some smartwatches integrate with home automation systems through AI. Imagine adjusting your thermostat, turning off lights, or even controlling your coffee maker—all from your wrist.

ChatGPT on Your Smartwatch:

Smart Home Integration:

Some smartwatches integrate with home automation systems through AI. Imagine adjusting your thermostat, turning off lights, or even controlling your coffee maker—all from your wrist.

ChatGPT on Your Smartwatch:

  Yuuma Smartwatches

       is a luxury smartwatch brand known for its high-quality timepieces.

Introducing A.I. Smart Glasses: A Revolution in Wearable Technology

Our A.I. Smart Glasses are a remarkable innovation that seamlessly merges fashion with cutting-edge technology. These sleek, lightweight glasses are designed to provide users with a truly immersive and hands-free digital experience. Offering a range of features, Our smart glasses redefines the way we interact with the world around us. Our smart glasses represent a bold step forward in wearable technology, offering a wide range of functionality that enhances everyday life. Whether you're a tech enthusiast, a fitness fanatic, or someone looking to simplify your daily routine, these glasses have something to offer. Experience the future with Our smart glasses and explore the world like never before.

Introducing A.I. Smart Glasses: A Revolution in Wearable Technology

Our A.I. Smart Glasses are a remarkable innovation that seamlessly merges fashion with cutting-edge technology. These sleek, lightweight glasses are designed to provide users with a truly immersive and hands-free digital experience. Offering a range of features, Our smart glasses redefines the way we interact with the world around us. Our smart glasses represent a bold step forward in wearable technology, offering a wide range of functionality that enhances everyday life. Whether you're a tech enthusiast, a fitness fanatic, or someone looking to simplify your daily routine, these glasses have something to offer. Experience the future with Our smart glasses and explore the world like never before. For more info and better view: use laptop or computerscreen.

Intelligent Niche-Specific Website Designs

No matter what niche your business or personal website belongs to, you will undoubtedly find a design that conforms with your expectations and efficiently conveys the needed message. Not only are the designs of our templates beautiful, but they also have an impressive execution which changes your perception and understanding of the A.I. websitebuilder. Distinguish yourself from the crowd of similar website designs with the A.I. websitebuilder that knows how to create smart and unique sites for your niche.

What makes our A.I. websitebuilder tool so different ?
Image Library Access
Site Styles Manager
In-built Integration
Marketing Tools
Shared Editing

Yuuma Smartwatches

Yuuma is a luxury smartwatch brand known for its high-quality timepieces. Founded in 2018, the brand is committed to crafting unique and stylish watches that blend design, precision, and Swiss watchmaking expertise. Their collection features a range of models, including automatic, quartz, and smartwatches, Yuuma Watches is particularly popular among connoisseurs of fine timepieces and those seeking a distinctive accessory to complement their personal style. With a focus on precision, quality, and elegance, Yuuma Watches is a great choice for anyone seeking a premium watch.

Understanding the Integration of AI in Smartwatches

To fully appreciate the capabilities of AI in smartwatches, it’s essential to grasp how

it’s seamlessly woven into these wearable devices. Here’s what you need to know:

Personalized Health Tracking:

AI algorithms process health data such as heart rate patterns, sleep quality, and stress levels. These algorithms can detect irregularities like arrhythmias and provide personalized insights. Imagine your smartwatch not only notifying you of potential health risks but also proactively suggesting lifestyle changes to keep you fit.

Intelligent Virtual Assistants:

Predictive Text and Emoji Suggestions:

Smart Home Integration:

Some smartwatches integrate with home automation systems through AI. Imagine adjusting your thermostat, turning off lights, or even controlling your coffee maker—all from your wrist.

ChatGPT on Your Smartwatch:

Using a technology called NFC

How to Start Creating Your Website with Our A.I. websitebuilder


Intelligent Niche-Specific Website Designs

No matter what niche your business or personal website belongs to, you will undoubtedly find a design that conforms with your expectations and efficiently conveys the needed message. Not only are the designs of our templates beautiful, but they also have an impressive execution which changes your perception and understanding of the A.I. websitebuilder. Distinguish yourself from the crowd of similar website designs with the A.I. websitebuilder that knows how to create smart and unique sites for your niche.

What makes our A.I. websitebuilder tool so different ?
Image Library Access
Site Styles Manager
In-built Integration
Marketing Tools
Shared Editing

Understanding the Integration of AI in Smartwatches

To fully appreciate the capabilities of AI in smartwatches, it’s essential to grasp how

it’s seamlessly woven into these wearable devices. Here’s what you need to know:

Personalized Health Tracking:

AI algorithms process health data such as heart rate patterns, sleep quality, and stress levels. These algorithms can detect irregularities like arrhythmias and provide personalized insights.

Imagine your smartwatch not only notifying you of potential health risks but also proactively suggesting lifestyle changes to keep you fit.

Intelligent Virtual Assistants:

Predictive Text and Emoji Suggestions:

Smart Home Integration:

Some smartwatches integrate with home automation systems through AI. Imagine adjusting your thermostat, turning off lights, or even controlling your coffee maker—all from your wrist.

ChatGPT on Your Smartwatch:

We would be happy to answer your questions

If you have any questions concerning our products or services or want to schedule an appointment with one of our consultants - please contact us using the details below.

XREAL AIR 2 PRO Smartglasses

XREAL Air 2 Pro AR Glasses, The Ultimate Wearable Display with 3-level Electrochromic Dimming, 75g 120Hz 130",

Smart Glasses, Gaming monitor, Compatible with iPhone 15/SteamDeck/ROG/Mac/PC/Android/iOS

Xreal Air 2 Pro, the ultimate wearable display experience

Introducing A.I. Smart Glasses: Another Revolution in Wearable Technology

Our A.I. Smart Glasses are a remarkable innovation that seamlessly merges fashion with cutting-edge technology. These sleek, lightweight glasses are designed to provide users with a truly immersive and hands-free digital experience. Offering a range of features, Our smart glasses redefines the way we interact with the world around us. Our smart glasses represent a bold step forward in wearable technology, offering a wide range of functionality that enhances everyday life. Whether you're a tech enthusiast, a fitness fanatic, or someone looking to simplify your daily routine, these glasses have something to offer. Experience the future with Our smart glasses and explore the world like never before.

New Generation AI Website Builder ...

We use artificial intelligence for creating and designing attractive, functional, and responsive websites from scratch. It ensures convenience, high speed, and comprehensibility of the website building process. Our AI website builder is easy-to-use and intuitive - all you need to do is follow a couple of simple instructions and watch how the builder makes your wildest web dreams come true. Using our A.I. websitebuilder means being confident that your site exceeds your expectations!

These smart product development tips can help you avoid the pitfalls.

Smart product development ensures that you stick to the core features of your product. Why shouldn't you go out and develop all the bells and whistles on your first product version ?

Because odds are that when you release that product, they will be the wrong bells and whistles that your customers want. Entrepreneurs have limited time, and the time they do spend acquiring customer requirements to build a working prototype is time very well spent, but most do not have the time nor the money to build the "perfect" working model.

Using the Apple iPod as an example
The goal of a first version of the product or service

   Key Functionalities

Key Functionalities

Augmented Reality (AR) Display:

Our smart glasses are equipped with a high-resolution AR display that overlays digital information onto your real-world view. From directions and notifications to immersive gaming experiences, these glasses bring your surroundings to life in a whole new way.

Voice Commands:

Capture and Share:


Say goodbye to fumbling with your phone while navigating. Our smart glasses offers turn-by-turn navigation right in your field of vision, whether you're walking, biking, or driving. Stay on track without losing focus on your surroundings.

Health and Fitness:

Sleek Design:

New Generation AI Website Builder ...

We use artificial intelligence for creating and designing attractive, functional, and responsive websites from scratch. It ensures convenience, high speed, and comprehensibility of the website building process. Our AI website builder is easy-to-use and intuitive - all you need to do is follow a couple of simple instructions and watch how the builder makes your wildest web dreams come true. Using our A.I. websitebuilder means being confident that your site exceeds your expectations!

New Generation AI Website Builder ...

We use artificial intelligence for creating and designing attractive, functional, and responsive websites from scratch. It ensures convenience, high speed, and comprehensibility of the website building process. Our AI website builder is easy-to-use and intuitive - all you need to do is follow a couple of simple instructions and watch how the builder makes your wildest web dreams come true. Using our A.I. websitebuilder means being confident that your site exceeds your expectations!

Intelligent Niche-Specific Website Designs

No matter what niche your business or personal website belongs to, you will undoubtedly find a design that conforms with your expectations and efficiently conveys the needed message. Not only are the designs of our templates beautiful, but they also have an impressive execution which changes your perception and understanding of the A.I. websitebuilder. Distinguish yourself from the crowd of similar website designs with the A.I. websitebuilder that knows how to create smart and unique sites for your niche.

What makes our A.I. website builder tool so different from other website builders ?

Image Library Access

Adding suitable images to the site doesn’t require any design skills and can still make your website more visually appealing and credible. Our A.I. websitebuilder rich graphic library contains more than 100K exclusive top-quality pictures on various topics.

Site Styles Manager

In-built Integration

Marketing Tools

Shared Editing

We Build Your App, Website & Shop

No coding skills needed, no matter what kind of

website you want...

We Build Your App, Website & Shop

No coding skills needed, no matter what kind of

website you want...

We Build Your App, Website & Shop

No coding skills needed, no matter what kind of

website you want...

We Build Your App, Website & Shop

No coding skills needed, no matter what kind of

website you want...

We Build Your App, Website & Online Shop


No coding skills needed, no matter what kind of website and/or online shop you want.


We Build Your App, Website & Online Shop


No coding skills needed, no matter what kind of website and/or online shop you want.


We Build Your App, Website & Online Shop


No coding skills needed, no matter what kind of website and/or online shop you want.


We Build Your App, Website & Online Shop


No coding skills needed, no matter what kind of website and/or online shop you want.


We Build Your App, Website & Online Shop

No coding skills needed, no matter what kind of website you want.

We Build Your App, Website & Online Shop

No coding skills needed, no matter what kind of website you want.

We Build Your App, Website & Online Shop

No coding skills needed, no matter what kind of website you want.

We Build Your App, Website & Online Shop

No coding skills needed, no matter what kind of website you want.

A.I. Web Development Examples

A.I. Web Development Examples

 Key Functionalities

Augmented Reality (AR) Display:

Our smart glasses are equipped with a high-resolution AR display that overlays digital information onto your real-world view. From directions and notifications to immersive gaming experiences, these glasses bring your surroundings to life in a whole new way.

Voice Commands:

Capture and Share:

Health and Fitness:

Sleek Design:

 Key Functionalities

Augmented Reality (AR) Display:

Our smart glasses are equipped with a high-resolution AR display that overlays digital information onto your real-world view. From directions and notifications to immersive gaming experiences, these glasses bring your surroundings to life in a whole new way.

Voice Commands:

Capture and Share:

Health and Fitness:

Sleek Design:

Introducing A.I. Smart Glasses: A Revolution in Wearable Technology

Our A.I. Smart Glasses are a remarkable innovation that seamlessly merges fashion with cutting-edge technology. These sleek, lightweight glasses are designed to provide users with a truly immersive and hands-free digital experience. Offering a range of features, Our smart glasses redefines the way we interact with the world around us. Our smart glasses represent a bold step forward in wearable technology, offering a wide range of functionality that enhances everyday life. Whether you're a tech enthusiast, a fitness fanatic, or someone looking to simplify your daily routine, these glasses have something to offer. Experience the future with Our smart glasses and explore the world like never before.

New Generation AI Website Builder ...

We use artificial intelligence for creating and designing attractive, functional, and responsive websites from scratch. It ensures convenience, high speed, and comprehensibility of the website building process. Our AI website builder is easy-to-use and intuitive - all you need to do is follow a couple of simple instructions and watch how the builder makes your wildest web dreams come true. Using our A.I. websitebuilder means being confident that your site exceeds your expectations!

  • logo ismartglasses 4.png
  • logo ismartglasses 8.png
  • logo ismartglasses 5.png
  • logo ismartglasses 4.png
  • logo ismartglasses 8.png
  • logo ismartglasses 5.png


Augmented Reality (AR) Display:

Our smart glasses are equipped with a high-resolution AR display that overlays digital information onto your real-world view. From directions and notifications to immersive gaming experiences, these glasses bring your surroundings to life in a whole new way.

Voice Commands:

Capture and Share:


Say goodbye to fumbling with your phone while navigating. Our smart glasses offers turn-by-turn navigation right in your field of vision, whether you're walking, biking, or driving. Stay on track without losing focus on your surroundings.

Health and Fitness:

Sleek Design:


Augmented Reality (AR) Display:

Our smart glasses are equipped with a high-resolution AR display that overlays digital information onto your real-world view. From directions and notifications to immersive gaming experiences, these glasses bring your surroundings to life in a whole new way.

Voice Commands:

Capture and Share:


Say goodbye to fumbling with your phone while navigating. Our smart glasses offers turn-by-turn navigation right in your field of vision, whether you're walking, biking, or driving. Stay on track without losing focus on your surroundings.

Health and Fitness:

Sleek Design:

New Generation AI Website Builder ...

We use artificial intelligence for creating and designing attractive, functional, and responsive websites from scratch. It ensures convenience, high speed, and comprehensibility of the website building process. Our AI website builder is easy-to-use and intuitive - all you need to do is follow a couple of simple instructions and watch how the builder makes your wildest web dreams come true. Using our A.I. websitebuilder means being confident that your site exceeds your expectations!

New Generation AI Website Builder ...

We use artificial intelligence for creating and designing attractive, functional, and responsive websites from scratch. It ensures convenience, high speed, and comprehensibility of the website building process. Our AI website builder is easy-to-use and intuitive - all you need to do is follow a couple of simple instructions and watch how the builder makes your wildest web dreams come true. Using our A.I. websitebuilder means being confident that your site exceeds your expectations!

Intelligent Niche-Specific Website Designs

No matter what niche your business or personal website belongs to, you will undoubtedly find a design that conforms with your expectations and efficiently conveys the needed message. Not only are the designs of our templates beautiful, but they also have an impressive execution which changes your perception and understanding of the A.I. websitebuilder. Distinguish yourself from the crowd of similar website designs with the A.I. websitebuilder that knows how to create smart and unique sites for your niche.

What makes our A.I. website builder tool so different from other website builders ?

Image Library Access

Adding suitable images to the site doesn’t require any design skills and can still make your website more visually appealing and credible. Our rich Graphic Library contains more than 100K exclusive top-quality pictures on various topics.

Site Styles Manager

In-built Integration

Marketing Tools

Shared Editing

We Build Your App, Website & Online Shop


No coding skills needed, no matter what kind of website you want...


Wij maken Uw App, Website & Online Shop


Geen codeervaardigheden nodig, wat voor soort website je ook wilt...


Nous construisons votre APP, votre site Web et votre boutique en ligne


Aucune compétence en codage n’est nécessaire, quel que soit le type de site Web que vous souhaitez...


Wir bauen Ihre App, Website & Online-Shop


Keine Programmierkenntnisse erforderlich, egal welche Art von Website Sie wünschen...


Rakennamme sovelluksen, verkkosivuston ja verkkokaupan


Koodaustaitoja ei tarvita, riippumatta siitä, millaisen verkkosivuston haluat...


New Generation AI Website Builder ...

We use artificial intelligence for creating and designing attractive, functional, and responsive websites from scratch. It ensures convenience, high speed, and comprehensibility of the website building process. Our AI website builder is easy-to-use and intuitive - all you need to do is follow a couple of simple instructions and watch how the builder makes your wildest web dreams come true. Using our A.I. websitebuilder means being confident that your site exceeds your expectations!

New Generation

AI Website Builder

We use artificial intelligence for creating and designing attractive, functional, and responsive websites from scratch. It ensures convenience, high speed, and comprehensibility of the website building process. Our AI website builder is easy-to-use and intuitive - all you need to do is follow a couple of simple instructions and watch how the builder makes your wildest web dreams come true. Using our A.I. websitebuilder means being confident that your site exceeds your expectations!

Intelligent Niche-Specific Website Designs

No matter what niche your business or personal website belongs to, you will undoubtedly find a design that conforms with your expectations and efficiently conveys the needed message. Not only are the designs of our templates beautiful, but they also have an impressive execution which changes your perception and understanding of the A.I. websitebuilder. Distinguish yourself from the crowd of similar website designs with the A.I. websitebuilder that knows how to create smart and unique sites for your niche.

What makes our A.I. website builder tool so different from other website builders ?

Image Library Access

Adding suitable images to the site doesn’t require any design skills and can still make your website more visually appealing and credible. Our A.I. websitebuilder rich graphic library contains more than 100K exclusive top-quality pictures on various topics.

Site Styles Manager

In-built Integration

Marketing Tools

Shared Editing

We Build Your App, Website & Shop

No coding skills needed, no matter what kind of

website you want...

We Build Your App, Website & Shop

No coding skills needed, no matter what kind of

website you want...

We Build Your App, Website & Shop

No coding skills needed, no matter what kind of

website you want...

We Build Your App, Website & Shop

No coding skills needed, no matter what kind of

website you want...

We Build Your App, Website & Online Shop


No coding skills needed, no matter what kind of website and/or online shop you want.


We Build Your App, Website & Online Shop


No coding skills needed, no matter what kind of website and/or online shop you want.


We Build Your App, Website & Online Shop


No coding skills needed, no matter what kind of website and/or online shop you want.


We Build Your App, Website & Online Shop


No coding skills needed, no matter what kind of website and/or online shop you want.


Intelligent Niche-Specific Website Designs

No matter what niche your business or personal website belongs to, you will undoubtedly find a design that conforms with your expectations and efficiently conveys the needed message. Not only are the designs of our templates beautiful, but they also have an impressive execution which changes your perception and understanding of the A.I. websitebuilder. Distinguish yourself from the crowd of similar website designs with the A.I. websitebuilder that knows how to create smart and unique sites for your niche.

What makes our A.I. websitebuilder tool so different ?
Image Library Access
Site Styles Manager
In-built Integration
Marketing Tools
Shared Editing

We Build Your App, Website & Online Shop

No coding skills needed, no matter what kind of website you want.

We Build Your App, Website & Online Shop

No coding skills needed, no matter what kind of website you want.

We Build Your App, Website & Online Shop

No coding skills needed, no matter what kind of website you want.

We Build Your App, Website & Online Shop

No coding skills needed, no matter what kind of website you want.

A.I. Web Examples

The future of Private Social Networks

The term social networking refers to the use of internet-based social media sites to stay connected with friends, family, colleagues, business partners, customers or clients. Social networking can have a social purpose, a business purpose, or both, through sites like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram. Social networking is also a significant base for marketers seeking to engage customers.

The future of Private Social Networks ...

The term social networking refers to the use of internet-based social media sites to stay connected with friends, family, colleagues, business partners, customers or clients. Social networking can have a social purpose, a business purpose, or both, through sites like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram. Social networking is also a significant base for marketers seeking to engage customers.

The future of Private Social Networks

The term social networking refers to the use of internet-based social media sites to stay connected with friends, family, colleagues, business partners, customers or clients. Social networking can have a social purpose, a business purpose, or both, through sites like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram. Social networking is also a significant base for marketers seeking to engage customers.

The future of Private Social Networks ...

The term social networking refers to the use of internet-based social media sites to stay connected with friends, family, colleagues, business partners, customers or clients. Social networking can have a social purpose, a business purpose, or both, through sites like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram. Social networking is also a significant base for marketers seeking to engage customers.

Manage & Host your own Private Social Network

Our platform is the best way to start your own social network. Our platform is fast, secured, and regularly updated. Our social network platform fully supports native mobile apps thanks to our advanced API system! 

The Characteristics of Each Social Network

Look at some of the most successful available social networks in the following list. With our platform you can do all of your campaigns and social networking in One Application. You can even create your own branded version. In short, you own your private social network.

Manage & Host your own Private Social Network

Our platform is the best way to start your own social network. Our platform is fast, secured, and regularly updated. Our social network platform fully supports native mobile apps thanks to our advanced API system! 

The Characteristics of Each Platform Can Help You Define on which Networks to Develop your Campaigns

Look at some of the most successful available social networks in the following list. With our platform you can do all of your campaigns and social networking in One Application. You can even create your own branded version. In short, you own your private social network.

Main Features

Main Features

Admin Features

Admin Features

Other Social Media Platforms

Our Social Network APP combines the functionality of Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Youtube, Whatsapp messenger, Ad server, Online Shop and much more in One Application. You can host the application on your server or we host it for you...

Other Social Media Platforms

Our Social Network APP combines the functionality of Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Youtube, Whatsapp messenger, Ad server, Online Shop and much more in One Application. You can host the application on your server or we host it for you...


Facebook is the world’s largest Social Network, with more than a 2,9 billion active users. Thanks to its size, it’s quite likely that your target audience is on this platform. Furthermore, it has a very effective & personalized advertising service. Facebook recently changed the company name.



X (Twitter):




Tik Tok


Facebook is the world’s largest Social Network, with more than a 2,9 billion active users. Thanks to its size, it’s quite likely that your target audience is on this platform. Furthermore, it has a very effective & personalized advertising service. Facebook recently changed the company name.



X (Twitter):




Tik Tok

Manage & Host your own Private Social Network

Our platform is the best way to start your own social network. Our platform is fast, secured, and regularly updated. Our social network platform fully supports native mobile apps thanks to our advanced API system! 

The Characteristics of Each Platform Can Help You Define on which Networks to Develop your Campaigns

Main Features

Manage & Host your own Private Social Network

Our platform is the best way to start your own social network. Our platform is fast, secured, and regularly updated. Our social network platform fully supports native mobile apps thanks to our advanced API system! Our Social Network APP combines the functionality of Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Youtube, Whatsapp messenger, Ad server, Online Shop and much more in One Application. You can host the application on your server or we host it for you...

The Characteristics of Each Platform Can Help You Define on which Networks to Develop your Campaigns

Admin Features

Other Social Media Platforms

Our Social Network APP combines the functionality of Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Youtube, Whatsapp messenger, Ad server, Online Shop and much more in One Application. You can host the application on your server or we host it for you...


Facebook is the world’s largest Social Network, with more than a 2,9 billion active users. Thanks to its size, it’s quite likely that your target audience is on this platform. Furthermore, it has a very effective & personalized advertising service. Facebook recently changed the company name.



X (Twitter):




Tik Tok








Tik Tok

Imagine, we could direct Sound

Add Sound... Where It's  Needed... & Nowhere Else... 

Directed Sound Applications

Directed Sound Applications

Directed Sound Applications

Directed Sound Applications

Directed Sound Applications

Directed Sound Applications

Directed Sound Applications

Imagine, we could direct Sound

Add Sound... Where It's  Needed... & Nowhere Else... 

Directed Sound Applications

Directed Sound Applications

Directed Sound Applications

Directed Sound Applications

Directed Sound Applications

Directed Sound Applications

Directed Sound Applications

Directed Sound Applications

Directed Sound Applications

Directed Sound Applications

Directed Sound Applications

Directed Sound Applications

Directed Sound Applications

Directed Sound Applications

Imagine, we could direct sound...

Add Sound... Where It's  Needed... & Nowhere Else... 

Imagine, we could direct sound


Add Sound... Where It's  Needed... & Nowhere Else... 


Imagine, we could direct sound


Add Sound... Where It's  Needed... & Nowhere Else... 


Imagine, we could direct sound


Add Sound... Where It's  Needed... & Nowhere Else... 


Imagine, we could direct sound


Add Sound... Where It's  Needed... & Nowhere Else... 


Imagine, we could direct sound


Add Sound... Where It's  Needed... & Nowhere Else... 


Imagine, we could direct sound


Add Sound... Where It's  Needed... & Nowhere Else... 


Imagine, we could direct sound


Add Sound... Where It's  Needed... & Nowhere Else... 


We develop and distribute, "Directed Sound" applications.

We like to demonstrate all the possibilities that our products can provide. iSoundLabs brings sound where it's needed and nowhere else. We have "directed sound" solutions for banks, hotels, restaurants/bars, beachbars, museums, hospitals, airports, football stadiums and digital advertising... We like to work with you to offer customized solutions or we can integrate our technology into your products.

The technique of using a nonlinear interaction of high-frequency waves
History of this very special technology
We develop & distribute, "Directed Sound" applications.

We like to demonstrate all the possibilities that our products can provide. We brings sound where it's needed and nowhere else. We have "directed sound" solutions for banks, hotels, restaurants/bars, beachbars, museums, hospitals, airports, football stadiums and digital advertising... We like to work with you to offer customized solutions or we can integrate our technology into your products.

The technique of using a nonlinear interaction of high-frequency waves
History of this very special technology

Directed Sound Demo

Directed Sound Demo

The Banana Demo

The Trade Fair Demo

We develop and distribute, "Directed Sound" applications.

We like to demonstrate all the possibilities that our products can provide. iSoundLabs brings sound where it's needed and nowhere else. We have "directed sound" solutions for banks, hotels, restaurants/bars, beachbars, museums, hospitals, airports, football stadiums and digital advertising... We like to work with you to offer customized solutions or we can integrate our technology into your products.

The technique of using a nonlinear interaction of high-frequency waves
History of this very special technology
We develop and distribute, "Directed Sound" applications.

We like to demonstrate all the possibilities that our products can provide. iSoundLabs brings sound where it's needed and nowhere else. We have "directed sound" solutions for banks, hotels, restaurants/bars, beachbars, museums, hospitals, airports, football stadiums and digital advertising... We like to work with you to offer customized solutions or we can integrate our technology into your products.

The technique of using a nonlinear interaction of high-frequency waves
History of this very special technology
We develop & distribute, "Directed Sound" applications.

We like to demonstrate all the possibilities that our products can provide. We brings sound where it's needed and nowhere else. We have "directed sound" solutions for banks, hotels, restaurants/bars, beachbars, museums, hospitals, airports, football stadiums and digital advertising... We like to work with you to offer customized solutions or we can integrate our technology into your products.

The technique of using a nonlinear interaction of high-frequency waves
History of this very special technology

Directed Sound Demo

Directed Sound Demo

The Banana Demo

The Trade Fair Demo

PI your personal AI System

“It is not that I'm so smart.

But I stay with the questions much longer” ,  Albert Einstein

PI your personal AI System 

The measure of intelligence is the ability to change. -  Albert Einstein

Directed Sound Applications

Directed Sound Applications

Directed Sound Applications

Directed Sound Applications

Directed Sound Applications

Directed Sound Applications

Directed Sound Applications

PI your personal AI System 

The measure of intelligence is the ability

to change. -  Albert Einstein



What Is Pi?

Pi is a new class of AI, designed to be, a kind and supportive companion.


PI offers Conversations:

Pi engages in natural, flowing conversations with users.


PI offers Friendly Advice:

Pi provides helpful advice.


PI Concise Information:

Pi shares information in a clear and succinct manner.


Pi’s purpose

is to give people a fresh way to express themselves, explore ideas, and experience a trusted personal AI.

It’s built on world-class proprietary AI technology developed in-house by Inflection.


Key Features of Pi:

Kind and Supportive:
Curious and Humble:
Creative and Fun:
Knowledgeable, but Succinct:
All Yours:
In Development:

CEO’s Perspective:

Mustafa Suleyman, CEO and co-founder of Inflection, describes Pi as:

A new kind of AI with good EQ (emotional intelligence).

A digital companion for learning, discussing moments, or simply passing the time.


Pi is currently available across platforms:

Facebook :
Instagram :
Whatsapp :
Mobile Phones:

What Is Pi?

Pi is a new class of AI, designed to be, a kind and

supportive companion.


PI offers Conversations:

Pi engages in natural, flowing conversations with users.


PI offers Friendly Advice:

Pi provides helpful advice.


PI Concise Information:

Pi shares information in a clear and succinct manner.


Pi’s purpose

is to give people a fresh way to express themselves,

explore ideas, and experience a trusted personal AI.

It’s built on world-class proprietary

AI technology developed in-house by Inflection.


Key Features of Pi:

Kind and Supportive:
Curious and Humble:
Creative and Fun:
Knowledgeable, but Succinct:
All Yours:
In Development:

CEO’s Perspective:

Mustafa Suleyman, CEO and co-founder of Inflection, describes

Pi as:

  • A new kind of AI with good EQ (emotional intelligence).
  • A digital companion for learning, discussing moments, or simply
  • passing the time.


Pi is currently available across platforms:

Facebook :
Instagram :
Whatsapp :
Mobile Phones:

We would be happy to answer your questions

If you have any questions concerning our products or services or want to schedule an appointment with one of our consultants - please contact us using the details below.

We would be happy to answer your questions

If you have any questions concerning our products or services or want to schedule an appointment with one of our consultants - please contact us using the details below.



What Is Pi?

Pi is a new class of AI, designed to

be, a kind and supportive companion.


PI offers Conversations:

Pi engages in natural, flowing conversations with users.


PI offers Friendly Advice:

Pi provides helpful advice.


PI Concise Information:

Pi shares information in a

clear and succinct manner.


Pi’s purpose

is to give people a fresh way to express themselves, explore ideas, and experience a trusted personal AI.

It’s built on world-class proprietary

AI technology developed in-house

by Inflection.


Key Features of Pi:

Kind and Supportive:
Curious and Humble:
Creative and Fun:
Knowledgeable, but Succinct:
All Yours:
In Development:



CEO’s Perspective:

Mustafa Suleyman, CEO and co-founder of Inflection, describes Pi as:


  • A new kind of AI with good EQ (emotional intelligence).
  • A digital companion for learning, discussing moments, or simply passing the time.


Pi is currently available across platforms:

Facebook :
Instagram :
Whatsapp :
Mobile Phones:

Imagine, we could direct Sound

Add Sound... Where It's  Needed... & Nowhere Else... 

Directed Sound Applications

Directed Sound Applications

Directed Sound Applications

Directed Sound Applications

Directed Sound Applications

Directed Sound Applications

Directed Sound Applications

Imagine, we could direct Sound

Add Sound... Where It's  Needed... & Nowhere Else... 

Directed Sound Applications

Directed Sound Applications

Directed Sound Applications

Directed Sound Applications

Directed Sound Applications

Directed Sound Applications

Directed Sound Applications

Directed Sound Applications

Directed Sound Applications

Directed Sound Applications

Directed Sound Applications

Directed Sound Applications

Directed Sound Applications

Directed Sound Applications

Imagine, we could direct sound...

Add Sound... Where It's  Needed... & Nowhere Else... 

Imagine, we could direct sound


Add Sound... Where It's  Needed... & Nowhere Else... 


Imagine, we could direct sound


Add Sound... Where It's  Needed... & Nowhere Else... 


Imagine, we could direct sound


Add Sound... Where It's  Needed... & Nowhere Else... 


Imagine, we could direct sound


Add Sound... Where It's  Needed... & Nowhere Else... 


Imagine, we could direct sound


Add Sound... Where It's  Needed... & Nowhere Else... 


Imagine, we could direct sound


Add Sound... Where It's  Needed... & Nowhere Else... 


Imagine, we could direct sound


Add Sound... Where It's  Needed... & Nowhere Else... 


We develop and distribute, "Directed Sound" applications.

We like to demonstrate all the possibilities that our products can provide. iSoundLabs brings sound where it's needed and nowhere else. We have "directed sound" solutions for banks, hotels, restaurants/bars, beachbars, museums, hospitals, airports, football stadiums and digital advertising... We like to work with you to offer customized solutions or we can integrate our technology into your products.

The technique of using a nonlinear interaction of high-frequency waves
History of this very special technology
We develop & distribute, "Directed Sound" applications.

We like to demonstrate all the possibilities that our products can provide. We brings sound where it's needed and nowhere else. We have "directed sound" solutions for banks, hotels, restaurants/bars, beachbars, museums, hospitals, airports, football stadiums and digital advertising... We like to work with you to offer customized solutions or we can integrate our technology into your products.

The technique of using a nonlinear interaction of high-frequency waves
History of this very special technology

Directed Sound Demo

Directed Sound Demo

The Banana Demo

The Trade Fair Demo

We develop and distribute, "Directed Sound" applications.

We like to demonstrate all the possibilities that our products can provide. iSoundLabs brings sound where it's needed and nowhere else. We have "directed sound" solutions for banks, hotels, restaurants/bars, beachbars, museums, hospitals, airports, football stadiums and digital advertising... We like to work with you to offer customized solutions or we can integrate our technology into your products.

The technique of using a nonlinear interaction of high-frequency waves
History of this very special technology
We develop and distribute, "Directed Sound" applications.

We like to demonstrate all the possibilities that our products can provide. iSoundLabs brings sound where it's needed and nowhere else. We have "directed sound" solutions for banks, hotels, restaurants/bars, beachbars, museums, hospitals, airports, football stadiums and digital advertising... We like to work with you to offer customized solutions or we can integrate our technology into your products.

The technique of using a nonlinear interaction of high-frequency waves
History of this very special technology
We develop & distribute, "Directed Sound" applications.

We like to demonstrate all the possibilities that our products can provide. We brings sound where it's needed and nowhere else. We have "directed sound" solutions for banks, hotels, restaurants/bars, beachbars, museums, hospitals, airports, football stadiums and digital advertising... We like to work with you to offer customized solutions or we can integrate our technology into your products.

The technique of using a nonlinear interaction of high-frequency waves
History of this very special technology

Directed Sound Demo

Directed Sound Demo

The Banana Demo

The Trade Fair Demo

PI your personal AI System

“It is not that I'm so smart.

But I stay with the questions much longer” ,  Albert Einstein

PI your personal AI System 

The measure of intelligence is the ability to change. -  Albert Einstein

Directed Sound Applications

Directed Sound Applications

Directed Sound Applications

Directed Sound Applications

Directed Sound Applications

Directed Sound Applications

Directed Sound Applications

PI your personal AI System

“It is not that I'm so smart. But I stay with the questions much longer.” - Albert Einstein

PI your personal AI System 

The measure of intelligence is the ability

to change. -  Albert Einstein

Directed Sound Applications

Directed Sound Applications

Directed Sound Applications

Directed Sound Applications

Directed Sound Applications

Directed Sound Applications

Directed Sound Applications



What Is Pi?

Pi is a new class of AI, designed to be, a kind and supportive companion.


PI offers Conversations:

Pi engages in natural, flowing conversations with users.


PI offers Friendly Advice:

Pi provides helpful advice.


PI Concise Information:

Pi shares information in a clear and succinct manner.


Pi’s purpose

is to give people a fresh way to express themselves, explore ideas, and experience a trusted personal AI.

It’s built on world-class proprietary AI technology developed in-house by Inflection.


Key Features of Pi:

Kind and Supportive:
Curious and Humble:
Creative and Fun:
Knowledgeable, but Succinct:
All Yours:
In Development:

CEO’s Perspective:

Mustafa Suleyman, CEO and co-founder of Inflection, describes Pi as:

A new kind of AI with good EQ (emotional intelligence).

A digital companion for learning, discussing moments, or simply passing the time.


Pi is currently available across platforms:

Facebook :
Instagram :
Whatsapp :
Mobile Phones:

What Is Pi?

Pi is a new class of AI, designed to be, a kind and

supportive companion.


PI offers Conversations:

Pi engages in natural, flowing conversations with users.


PI offers Friendly Advice:

Pi provides helpful advice.


PI Concise Information:

Pi shares information in a clear and succinct manner.


Pi’s purpose

is to give people a fresh way to express themselves,

explore ideas, and experience a trusted personal AI.

It’s built on world-class proprietary

AI technology developed in-house by Inflection.


Key Features of Pi:

Kind and Supportive:
Curious and Humble:
Creative and Fun:
Knowledgeable, but Succinct:
All Yours:
In Development:

CEO’s Perspective:

Mustafa Suleyman, CEO and co-founder of Inflection, describes

Pi as:

  • A new kind of AI with good EQ (emotional intelligence).
  • A digital companion for learning, discussing moments, or simply
  • passing the time.


Pi is currently available across platforms:

Facebook :
Instagram :
Whatsapp :
Mobile Phones:

We would be happy to answer your questions

If you have any questions concerning our products or services or want to schedule an appointment with one of our consultants - please contact us using the details below.



What Is Pi?

Pi is a new class of AI, designed to

be, a kind and supportive companion.


PI offers Conversations:

Pi engages in natural, flowing conversations with users.


PI offers Friendly Advice:

Pi provides helpful advice.


PI Concise Information:

Pi shares information in a

clear and succinct manner.


Pi’s purpose

is to give people a fresh way to express themselves, explore ideas, and experience a trusted personal AI.

It’s built on world-class proprietary

AI technology developed in-house

by Inflection.


Key Features of Pi:

Kind and Supportive:
Curious and Humble:
Creative and Fun:
Knowledgeable, but Succinct:
All Yours:
In Development:



CEO’s Perspective:

Mustafa Suleyman, CEO and co-founder of Inflection, describes Pi as:


  • A new kind of AI with good EQ (emotional intelligence).
  • A digital companion for learning, discussing moments, or simply passing the time.


Pi is currently available across platforms:

Facebook :
Instagram :
Whatsapp :
Mobile Phones:

Imagine, we could direct Sound

Add Sound... Where It's  Needed... & Nowhere Else... 

Directed Sound Applications

Directed Sound Applications

Directed Sound Applications

Directed Sound Applications

Directed Sound Applications

Directed Sound Applications

Directed Sound Applications

Imagine, we could direct Sound

Add Sound... Where It's  Needed... & Nowhere Else... 

Directed Sound Applications

Directed Sound Applications

Directed Sound Applications

Directed Sound Applications

Directed Sound Applications

Directed Sound Applications

Directed Sound Applications

Directed Sound Applications

Directed Sound Applications

Directed Sound Applications

Directed Sound Applications

Directed Sound Applications

Directed Sound Applications

Directed Sound Applications

Imagine, we could direct sound...

Add Sound... Where It's  Needed... & Nowhere Else... 

Imagine, we could direct sound


Add Sound... Where It's  Needed... & Nowhere Else... 


Imagine, we could direct sound


Add Sound... Where It's  Needed... & Nowhere Else... 


Imagine, we could direct sound


Add Sound... Where It's  Needed... & Nowhere Else... 


Imagine, we could direct sound


Add Sound... Where It's  Needed... & Nowhere Else... 


Imagine, we could direct sound


Add Sound... Where It's  Needed... & Nowhere Else... 


Imagine, we could direct sound


Add Sound... Where It's  Needed... & Nowhere Else... 


Imagine, we could direct sound


Add Sound... Where It's  Needed... & Nowhere Else... 


We develop and distribute, "Directed Sound" applications.

We like to demonstrate all the possibilities that our products can provide. iSoundLabs brings sound where it's needed and nowhere else. We have "directed sound" solutions for banks, hotels, restaurants/bars, beachbars, museums, hospitals, airports, football stadiums and digital advertising... We like to work with you to offer customized solutions or we can integrate our technology into your products.

The technique of using a nonlinear interaction of high-frequency waves
History of this very special technology
We develop & distribute, "Directed Sound" applications.

We like to demonstrate all the possibilities that our products can provide. We brings sound where it's needed and nowhere else. We have "directed sound" solutions for banks, hotels, restaurants/bars, beachbars, museums, hospitals, airports, football stadiums and digital advertising... We like to work with you to offer customized solutions or we can integrate our technology into your products.

The technique of using a nonlinear interaction of high-frequency waves
History of this very special technology

Directed Sound Demo

Directed Sound Demo

The Banana Demo for Big Grocery & Retail Stores

The Trade Fair Demo

We develop and distribute, "Directed Sound" applications.

We like to demonstrate all the possibilities that our products can provide. iSoundLabs brings sound where it's needed and nowhere else. We have "directed sound" solutions for banks, hotels, restaurants/bars, beachbars, museums, hospitals, airports, football stadiums and digital advertising... We like to work with you to offer customized solutions or we can integrate our technology into your products.

The technique of using a nonlinear interaction of high-frequency waves
History of this very special technology
We develop and distribute, "Directed Sound" applications.

We like to demonstrate all the possibilities that our products can provide. iSoundLabs brings sound where it's needed and nowhere else. We have "directed sound" solutions for banks, hotels, restaurants/bars, beachbars, museums, hospitals, airports, football stadiums and digital advertising... We like to work with you to offer customized solutions or we can integrate our technology into your products.

The technique of using a nonlinear interaction of high-frequency waves
History of this very special technology
We develop & distribute, "Directed Sound" applications.

We like to demonstrate all the possibilities that our products can provide. We brings sound where it's needed and nowhere else. We have "directed sound" solutions for banks, hotels, restaurants/bars, beachbars, museums, hospitals, airports, football stadiums and digital advertising... We like to work with you to offer customized solutions or we can integrate our technology into your products.

The technique of using a nonlinear interaction of high-frequency waves
History of this very special technology

Directed Sound Demo

Directed Sound Demo

The Banana Demo

The Trade Fair Demo

PI your personal AI System

“It is not that I'm so smart.

But I stay with the questions much longer” ,  Albert Einstein

PI your personal AI System 

The measure of intelligence is the ability to change. -  Albert Einstein

Directed Sound Applications

Directed Sound Applications

Directed Sound Applications

Directed Sound Applications

Directed Sound Applications

Directed Sound Applications

Directed Sound Applications

PI your personal AI System

“It is not that I'm so smart. But I stay with the questions much longer.” - Albert Einstein

PI your personal AI System 

The measure of intelligence is the ability

to change. -  Albert Einstein

Directed Sound Applications

Directed Sound Applications

Directed Sound Applications

Directed Sound Applications

Directed Sound Applications

Directed Sound Applications

Directed Sound Applications



What Is Pi?

Pi is a new class of AI, designed to be, a kind and supportive companion.


PI offers Conversations:

Pi engages in natural, flowing conversations with users.


PI offers Friendly Advice:

Pi provides helpful advice.


PI Concise Information:

Pi shares information in a clear and succinct manner.


Pi’s purpose

is to give people a fresh way to express themselves, explore ideas, and experience a trusted personal AI.

It’s built on world-class proprietary AI technology developed in-house by Inflection.


Key Features of Pi:

Kind and Supportive:
Curious and Humble:
Creative and Fun:
Knowledgeable, but Succinct:
All Yours:
In Development:

CEO’s Perspective:

Mustafa Suleyman, CEO and co-founder of Inflection, describes Pi as:

A new kind of AI with good EQ (emotional intelligence).

A digital companion for learning, discussing moments, or simply passing the time.


Pi is currently available across platforms:

Facebook :
Instagram :
Whatsapp :
Mobile Phones:

What Is Pi?

Pi is a new class of AI, designed to be, a kind and

supportive companion.


PI offers Conversations:

Pi engages in natural, flowing conversations with users.


PI offers Friendly Advice:

Pi provides helpful advice.


PI Concise Information:

Pi shares information in a clear and succinct manner.


Pi’s purpose

is to give people a fresh way to express themselves,

explore ideas, and experience a trusted personal AI.

It’s built on world-class proprietary

AI technology developed in-house by Inflection.


Key Features of Pi:

Kind and Supportive:
Curious and Humble:
Creative and Fun:
Knowledgeable, but Succinct:
All Yours:
In Development:

CEO’s Perspective:

Mustafa Suleyman, CEO and co-founder of Inflection, describes Pi as:


  • A new kind of AI with good EQ (emotional intelligence).
  • A digital companion for learning, discussing moments, or simply
  • passing the time.


Pi is currently available across platforms:

Facebook :
Instagram :
Whatsapp :
Mobile Phones:

We would be happy to answer your questions

If you have any questions concerning our products or services or if you want to talk about an investment opportunity or want to

schedule an appointment with one of our consultants to discuss a wonderful idea   -   Please contact us using the details below.



What Is Pi?

Pi is a new class of AI, designed to

be, a kind and supportive companion.


PI offers Conversations:

Pi engages in natural, flowing conversations with users.


PI offers Friendly Advice:

Pi provides helpful advice.


PI Concise Information:

Pi shares information in a

clear and succinct manner.


Pi’s purpose

is to give people a fresh way to express themselves, explore ideas, and experience a trusted personal AI.

It’s built on world-class proprietary

AI technology developed in-house

by Inflection.


Key Features of Pi:

Kind and Supportive:
Curious and Humble:
Creative and Fun:
Knowledgeable, but Succinct:
All Yours:
In Development:



CEO’s Perspective:

Mustafa Suleyman, CEO and co-founder of Inflection, describes Pi as:


  • A new kind of AI with good EQ (emotional intelligence).
  • A digital companion for learning, discussing moments, or simply passing the time.


Pi is currently available across platforms:

Facebook :
Instagram :
Whatsapp :
Mobile Phones:

Imagine, we could direct sound...

Add Sound... Where It's  Needed... & Nowhere Else... 

iSoundLabs develops and distributes, "Directed Sound" applications.

We like to demonstrate all the possibilities that our products can provide. iSoundLabs brings sound where it's needed and nowhere else. We have "directed sound" solutions for banks, hotels, restaurants/bars, beachbars, museums, hospitals, airports, football stadiums and digital advertising... We like to work with you to offer customized solutions or we can integrate our technology into your products.

The technique of using a nonlinear interaction of high-frequency waves
History of this very special technology

The Banana Demo

The Trade Fair Demo

Imagine, we could direct sound



Imagine, we could direct sound



Imagine, we could direct sound



Imagine, we could direct sound



Imagine, we could direct sound



Imagine, we could direct sound



Imagine, we could direct sound



Imagine, we could direct sound...

Add Sound... Where It's  Needed... & Nowhere Else... 

Imagine, we could direct sound




Imagine, we could direct sound




Imagine, we could direct sound




Imagine, we could direct sound




Imagine, we could direct sound




Imagine, we could direct sound




Imagine, we could direct sound




  • sandmair-aussenansicht.jpg
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  • 48387682_139552853702451_3547706002256166912_n.jpg
  • sandmair-aussenansicht.jpg
  • sandmair-flurbereich.jpg
  • 48387682_139552853702451_3547706002256166912_n.jpg

We would be happy to answer your questions


If you have any questions concerning our products or services or want to schedule an appointment with one of our consultants - please contact us using the details below.

We would be happy to answer your questions


If you have any questions concerning our products or services or want to schedule an appointment with one of our consultants - please contact us using the details below.

We would be happy to answer your questions


If you have any questions concerning our products or services or want to schedule an appointment with one of our consultants - please contact us using the details below.


Neuburgerstr. 40, Augsburg 86167 - Germany

Call or Whatsapp

+32 477 50 17 48

Call or Whatsapp

+32 477 50 17 48

Email us:

Weather Forecast


Augsburg WEATHER

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Route Planning

Navigate to our location, faster and easier with 

Google Maps.

We would be happy to answer your questions

If you have any questions concerning our products or services or want to schedule an appointment with one of our consultants - please contact us using the details below.

We would be happy to answer your questions


If you have any questions concerning our products or services or want to schedule an appointment with one of our consultants - please contact us using the details below.


Neuburgerstr. 40,

Augsburg 86167


Office Hours
8:30 - 18:00

Call or whatsapp us

+32 477 50 17 48

Email us


Request Info

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Route planning

Navigate to our location, faster and easier with Google Maps.

Weather Forecast

Augsburg WEATHER